
A Stirling engine is a heat engine that operates by cyclic compression and expansion of air at different temperatures, such that there is a net conversion of heat energy to mechanical work. More specifically, the Stirling engine is a closed-cycle regenerative heat engine with a permanently gaseous working fluid.


To introduce to the IBT students the working principle of sterling engine. to introduce to students Behavior of gases on heating and cooling.


Conversion of energy from one form to another form.

The main of this project is to introduce to the IBT students the working principle of sterling engine. to introduce to students Behavior of gases on heating and cooling.

In this project we made a simple design of Stirling Engine. Which is shown in picture.

In this project we use

  1.  0.5 inch PVC pipe 4 feet
  2. 0.5” PVC L bow =5
  3. 0.5″ PVC T=2
  4. 2, 20 ml glass syringe
  5. Teflon tube
  6. 6 number CDs to make 2 wheels.
  7. 1 bike spoke to connect wheels
  8. 2 bicycle spoke to connect syringe to wheels.
  9. Metal wool
  10. Spirit lamp to for heating
  11. M seal
  1. Connection are made as shown in picture.Main task in this project is cleaning of syringe because plunger of syringe must be freely move due to gravity.Problem Faced:
    1. Cleaning of Glass syringe.
    2. The wheels connected to the two side of spoke should not vibrate.
    3. Syringe joint to the pipe must be parallel.

During a cleaning of syringe i broke 2 glass syringe, so be careful during cleaning.

Total Cost=  Rs 510/-

This is latest design but still it not working.