Vijay Erande : Left and  review will be discontinued from next cycle

Sandeep Jundare – (not available for review)

 This project will be reassigned to new student at appropriate time. Review will be discontinued in next cycle

Swami Kalekar:

  1. Vibration Charger : This project is in backseat for now.
  2. Rice planting machine
    1. China rice planter is modified and able to plant 70 % saplings
    2. Rice planter machine ready for trial.

Supriya Kadam 

Dipali Kambale/ Subir

Non-electric Oxygen Enrichment Unit for rural health centers: 0.5 hp compressor has been bought. Website is not updated with new compressor photos.

  1. Trail on the first version is complete. Pressure 5 kg and folw 40 m/ lit achived.
  2. Issue
    • MOC of the wheel
    • Nylon is not suitable material
  3. Tasks:
    1. Get raw material for wheel.

Suhas Labde:

Polyhouse controller / biomemeter

  1. Calibration done
  2. Complete case design.
    • Serviceable design.
    • Weather proofing

Prachi Samarth  ( no review done Subir to review )

Abhijeet Savant  ( no review done) will be discontinued from next cycle

Shubham Shembade

Ambient temperature dryer

  1. Two adsorption and desorption cycle is complete
  2. New experimental design will be ready this week

Vishwas Shinde No review done.

Ganesh Nikhare:

wants to work on Noise filter for Blue tooth application. Not reporting.


  • The market survey indicate similar need for agriculture pumps and he plan to work on system and make a demo model by 7 /12 and show case it exhibition.
  • Ordered and procured material for remote control switch for pump but not able to complete the task.
  • He has got in touch with vendor and plan to do marketing of similar switches
  • Expected to make 5 IR remote switches and procure 5 to 10 agriculture pumps remote switches and put on exhibition on 15 Dec 16.