Vijay Erande : Left and review will be discontinued from next cycle
Sandeep Jundare – (not available for review)
This project will be reassigned to new student at appropriate time. Review will be discontinued in next cycle
- Vibration Charger : This project is in backseat for now.
- Rice planting machine
- China rice planter is modified and able to plant 70 % saplings
- Rice planter machine ready for trial.
Supriya Kadam
Dipali Kambale/ Subir
Non-electric Oxygen Enrichment Unit for rural health centers: 0.5 hp compressor has been bought. Website is not updated with new compressor photos.
- Trail on the first version is complete. Pressure 5 kg and folw 40 m/ lit achived.
- Issue
- MOC of the wheel
- Nylon is not suitable material
- Tasks:
- Get raw material for wheel.
Polyhouse controller / biomemeter
- Calibration done
- Complete case design.
- Serviceable design.
- Weather proofing
Prachi Samarth ( no review done Subir to review )
Abhijeet Savant ( no review done) will be discontinued from next cycle
Ambient temperature dryer
- Two adsorption and desorption cycle is complete
- New experimental design will be ready this week
Vishwas Shinde No review done.
wants to work on Noise filter for Blue tooth application. Not reporting.
- The market survey indicate similar need for agriculture pumps and he plan to work on system and make a demo model by 7 /12 and show case it exhibition.
- Ordered and procured material for remote control switch for pump but not able to complete the task.
- He has got in touch with vendor and plan to do marketing of similar switches
- Expected to make 5 IR remote switches and procure 5 to 10 agriculture pumps remote switches and put on exhibition on 15 Dec 16.