[Review conducted by Supriya K.]
Note- No one has completed all the tasks in the last week. So this task list includes pending as well as upcoming tasks
- Abhijeet Savant
- ARTI Cookstove
- Improve webpage and make it in the ‘main page + blog’ format
- Follow user-readable structure.
- Highlight client feedback.
- Task for next week:
- Going to meet client on 1st august.
- Provenant Systems:
- “Final product” caption on images not true.
- Repeat comments as before.
- Task for next week:
- Update Contract Review Document in discussion with client. Ask about material cost (3d printing bills, etc) and whether we will have to develop the pcb for the module.
- Upload contract document on web
- Task for net week: Take up FRP Geodesic dome project ASAP.
- ARTI Cookstove
- Jyoti Dhumal (absent )
- Website format needs working.
- Not many new updates on website. Jyoti needs guidance. Vijay has taken responsibility to guide her.
- Task for next week:
- Finish putting slurry from biogas digester into compost pit.
- More inputs awaiting from Vijay E.
- Sandeep Jundare
- Task for next week:
- Update website after discussion with Vijay E. and Subir B.
- Update status of rain guage.(write usefulness of devices)
- Greywater cooler:
- Display working prototype of grey water cooler on website. Photos and videos and description please!
- Need to use handwash/bathroom grey water and test for smell.
- Answer question on blog: Does aeration of grey water destroy the smell of grey water?
- Talk to village elders about upgrading toilets at Pabal.
- Circulate rainwater to farm tank .
- Task for next week:
- .Mayur Daptare
- Vibration charger – Electronics section.
- Website is in order.
- About LM317 experiments: The video quality was not good, but its overall a good start.
- The piezo option on this post is a sensor and not for producing power. Please do not make this mistake again.
- Task for next week:
- Paste the video link directly on wordpress so that the video can be viewed directly.
- Need more market survey of powerbanks vs vibration charger.
- Clear mistakes marked above.
- Make updated circuit with: Transformer -> bridge rectifier -> LM317 -> 5V 500mA output.
- Low cost weather station:
- Need for system: please elaborate by answering following questions
- Who needs it?
- Who can probably need it?
- Who is the current customer and why this current customer needs it? Where will the current customer want to use it?
- Please give pricing for competing products.
- Very good breakup of tasks on this page. However, timeline is very important and task breakup is not complete without project timeline.
- Tasks for next week:
- Make timeline for tasks.
- Need for system: please elaborate by answering following questions
- Vibration charger – Electronics section.
- Swami Kalekar
- Vibration Charger (mechanical)
- Website not in “mainpage + blog format”.
- Market survey incomplete: Give links on other such devices, how they work, what they cost. Can we make them in india or if we can then why not?
- Tasks for next week
- Do not write blog in all bold!
- Make actual(3d printed or laser cut) large gear pendulum model discussed last time.
- Show demo of working model.
- Update website.
- Complete market survey.
- E-commerce bike box:
- Tasks for next week:
- Prepare concept note:
- Title
- Background
- Client details
- Market survey: What existing products exist for such applications? Contact a courier delivery person to get his/her feedback.
- Objectives from client
- Timeline.
- Call Mr. Hemant Bhange on Wednesday 3rd Aug
- Prepare concept note:
- Tasks for next week:
- Vibration Charger (mechanical)
- Vijay Erande
- Grey water filter
- Format not in ‘mainpage+blog’.
- External content should be under ‘Notes’ category and not on mainpage.
- No updates in last week on filter performance.
- COD Digestor: Take help from Swami to finish it.
- Tasks for next week:
- Make rough design of grey water soak pit filter.
- Identify place for soak pit near kitchen.
- Visit Saswad to work on Greeny project.
- Check content of Jyoti and help her in project.
- Check contents of Sandip J. website and write a report to Subir B
- Grey water filter
- Prachi Samarth
- About page missing contact details.
- POV assignment: Good documentation but the assignment is not complete because it is not on a stand.
- Prosthetic hand:
- Not in user readable format of title, background, objectives, etc.
- Blog updates good!
- Tasks for next review:
- Make main project as electronic prosthetic hand. Here you can give all updates in blog format related to arduino and stuff.
- Make assignment of Isabella and mechanical hands.
- Update on the measurements of client and how you would proceed on the job. How much time will it take and expected cost of manufacturing.
- Talking Ganesha
- Tasks for next review:
- Make a visit to blind school to understand situation. Report on website under new assignment.
- Big target: make TG easy and reliable to use. So in next review
- List problems with current system
- List how to solve these problems?
- Give timeline of project.
- Tasks for next review:
- Vishwas Shinde (absent but due to lack of DIC staff coordination)
- Solar sanitary pad incinerator
- Website format: Please remove list from the beginning of page.
- Main page not complete.
- Solidworks drawings are very good. But photos missing.
- Timeline missing.
- Tasks for next review:
- Make pages in ‘mainpage+blog’ format.
- Update latest photos.
- Baling machine
- Page format not consistent. Use standard fonts.
- Tasks for next review
- Remove “see here” for video links.
- Make pages in ‘mainpage+blog’ format
- Make concept note for small size baling machine as discussed with Mr. Sunil Bhondge of Greeny.
- Solar sanitary pad incinerator
- Dipali Kambale:
- NCL project
- Webpage not in mainpage + blog format.
- Webpage not complete.
- Timeline missing.
- Doctor’s reviews missing.
- Tasks for next review:
- First draft concept note should be published here as blog post. Later developments must be posted as blogs.
- Add more info on what kinds of pumps are available and their price and their flow rate. Justify what kind of pump is suitable for our application?
- Also add tentative costing of project (excluding your fees).
- Make a timeline of how much time will it take to complete the project.
- Make visits to more doctors and review oxygen delivery technology.
- Green gym project
- Concept note on main page missing.
- Missing description of visit to clients.
- No photographs of place of installation.
- Tasks for next review:
- Update website.
- Show examples of what green gym will look like. Example: videos on youtube (best ones only). Make these all videos into a single blog entry.
- Visit site and take a picture, or ask client to send some pictures of site.
- Give timeline of project.
- NCL project
- Shubham Shembade (very good)
- Ambient temperature dryer
- Mainpage+blog format is correct.
- Mainpage content is incomplete.
- Tasks for next review:
- Get more details from client such as
- What should be the drying capacity of the dryer, in kg/day?
- If the dryer is used only for rainy season when wild fruits are available, what about the rest of the year? What can be dried by the end-user?
- Do you have electricity supply? forget solar as solar is not available in the monsoons.
- Make timeline of your project.
- Get more details from client such as
- Ambient temperature dryer