Elecctrical bell
A timer bell is a device that is used to measure a specific duration of time and notify the user when that time has elapsed. This device can be used for a wide range of activities that require precise timing, such as cooking, exercise, or even for managing a daily routine.
At the Vigyan Ashram, the timer bell is utilized to indicate the timing of various daily activities, such as lunch, prayer, meditation, and other routine tasks.
Links to the previous blogs are given below:
- https://vadic.vigyanashram.blog/2020/06/06/electric-bell/
- https://vadic.vigyanashram.blog/2020/12/28/automatic-bell-system/
- https://vadic.vigyanashram.blog/2021/06/29/automatic-bell-2/
Material use
- ESP32
- Relay
- power supply (5V)
- Timer bell
I used an ESP32 microcontroller with NTP server that was obtained from WiFi.
The current time is taken from the WIFI and then the ESP32 continues to count the time using it’s internal clock. The ESP32 activated a 5V relay that switched on and off the AC supply going to the electric bell at the required time.
An indicator LED was used to show to status of the device. If the LED is on the device is connecting to the WiFi or the time is not obtained.
In order to make the code readable and reusable a few provisions were made in the code.

Data logger
A data logger is a device that is used to collect and store data over time. It is a small electronic device that can be used to measure various physical parameters such as temperature, humidity, pressure, light intensity, and many others, and then record that data for later analysis
Need of project
In Vigyan Ashram, there is a great amount of work going on in the field of drying. The two important factors affecting the drying process is the temperature and humidity. These parameters are repeatedly studied to understand the drying process better. This created a need of the data logger. The previous one’s built posted the readings on an online database on the internet and therefore were dependent on the WIFI connectivity. To use the data logger in a low resource location it required the data to be stored in hardware storage, like the micro memory card. Identifying the requirements of portability, memory card based storage and temperature/humidity measurement, a data logger was developed
- Portable box
- PCB holder
- ESP32
- DS18B20
- Memary card
- Female DC jack
- 5V adopter
- Taggle switch
- cable gland

