I had got a task to find types of burners and studied
Types of burners available in the market
- Industrial burner 2000- 7000
- Fishtail burner 800-3000
- Sulphur burner 1k-1lakh
- Torch burner 500
- Modulating gas burner 2-3.5 lakhs
- Ribbon burner 300-1000
link of burners from an incinerator
I go to find the burner in the market and select the burner as per the requirement. And for a market survey of burners. Finally, we selected the burner which is the Ribbon burner. The major issue faced in the last prototype V1 was the leakage of gas through the gasket, which eventually resulted in the corrosion of the metal pipe and the defunctioning of the complete system as the burner fell down. The new set of burners has no gaskets hence expected to give longer service.

Parth and I went to check the availability of the ribbon burner (Dosa burner) for the incinerator and we were fortunate to get it at the local market in Pabal.
I started the work on the incinerator from the design part. In creating, I made the CAD design of the burner used in the incinerator and made other parts like copper pipe T shape pipi L pipe connector.

We made some changes to the old design like the burner position and by this, we must change the assembly of the burner and some tough work like making a basket in CAD software by using SOLIDWORKS software and some hand sketches

Because of the change in the assembly of the burner, we have fabricated the stand for that, we use hand sketch and CAD design and apply some changes to CAD design by taking some suggestions from Prasad Sir. In this design of the stand, we made that both the stand of the basket and burner are combined and made one stand for the burner and metal basket.

We made some changes and we calculated how many pads could be placed in the basket we found that in comper to the old design 40 pads could be burned out in the incinerator. In the old design around 60 pads are burned in cycles and now by changing the basket shape from a square to a circle or cylinder shape because, in the square basket, the air pocketing is more, and the capacity of the pad is increased up to 100 pads.
Finally, we completed the design work of the incinerator and after submitting and under the suggestion and after some changes we concluded that this was the final design after seeing the design from Dixit sir and Prasad Sir they told us that it was finally completed the design.

We started working on the fabrication and today working on the stand. And in this, we use the 2-inch square pipe. Do cutting and welding of the frame and drilling the holes for the screw in which we use the dowel bolt for fastening (Dowel bot which is a headless bolt).

Today we are working on the metal basket we started with the mesh of the metal basket first we cut it and then we rolled it with the roller machine after we welded it After this the copper pipes were fixed with a burner and burner with a stand we apply the fasting and after this, we select the copper pipe with the Teflon tape for no leakage.
The incinerator was ready for further testing.

Costing of Copper Pipe and the connectors-
We use 4 copper pipes of 18 inches (4 X 120Rs = 480 Rs)
4 copper pipes of 6 inches (4 X 90Rs = 360 Rs)
And 5 T-connectors (5 X 110Rs = 550Rs)
The total cost of piping is 1390 Rs
After the pipes were fixed and the burner was, we had to check whether there was any leakage in the pipe and burner we used the compressor for passing the air into the pipe and using soap water because applying the soap water to the pipe the bubbles are formed and we can find the leakage.

At night First trail on the incinerator with wet clothes (8%) for balancing the water proportion of pads with clothes.
The weight of the LPG cylinder before the trial was 20.675kg
After the trail weight of the cylinder was 20.250kg.
It tells that the weight was 0.425kg means it took 425gm of LPG gas for one cycle.
After one cycle of the incinerator, the weight is 20.250 kg.
So, Previous Weight – Weight after one cycle
20.675 – 20.250 = 0.425 kg
This means it took 425 gm (Approx) LPG for a cycle.
Now we are going for the trial with Pads.
Testing with pads, For testing the pads are provided by Nafate Institutions.
The weight was 2.377kg of pads.
the weight of the cylinder before the trial was 20.145kg
The testing was on full loading of the basket.
Based on the second trial total LPG required for the cycle is
20.145 – 19.570 = 0.575 kg of LPG
Based on this trial, the conclusion was the LPG gas 0.575kg was used which means that 575gm of the LPG for a cycle with a fully loaded incinerator with actual pads.
After 2 trials we found the problem which was the corrosion of the inner basket was more because the flame was directly in contact with the inner basket
so we decided to increase the gauge of the inner basket wire around 5-6 mm Dia

Fabrication of inner basket with old basket.

3rd Trail.
Testing with wet cardboard.
This time we load the thick papers with 10% water content.
Weight of Basket
The weight of the lower basket without load is 2.80 Kg.
The weight of the lower basket with load is 3.5 Kg.
The weight of the upper basket without load is 1.99 Kg.
The weight of the upper basket with load is 4.0 Kg.
Weight of Cylinder
Before trial – 19.308 kg
After trial – 18.992 kg
In this trial around 316 gm of LPG was used which is less than the two trials taken before.
Burning cost per pad.
Loading of the incinerator is 125 pads.
We use regular LPG cylinders which cost 1120 Rs and container 14 kg of LPG.
So, 14000gm/1120Rs = 12.5gm/Rs.
Now,316/12.5 = 25.28 Rs.
Hence 25.28Rs/125pads = 0.20Rs/Pad.
This trial is with the electronic system which contains solenoids and servo motors, which control the LPG and do not allow it to flow continuously, because of that less amount of LPG is used in a single test.
Installation of Incinerator at Nafate Institutions.
There is where we go to install the incinerator for that we have to fasten the stand-by nut bolts it was easy to install the stand.

We took a trail with pads on full loading and it was successfully done.
The first trial was successfully done but in the second trial, there was a problem was created because of SMPS which was an electronic part which has to change.
- SMPS has to change
- Maintenance of the basket and increases gauges of an outer basket of the lower basket.
- Testing of gas that comes from the incinerator.