
Day start with the brainstroming section on the problems we are facing with the incinerator. Problems are as follows

1.Burning of Gasket of the burner because of overheating.

2.Damage of the Basket.

I suggest some solutions over the problems like change the type of burner and the position of the burner.

Prasad Sir ask for the CAD of the incinerator after the idea.


After submission of CAD model Prasad Sir told me about the “What is actual Design is?”

The process of Design is as Follows

1.Process Flow Diagram

2.Material Flow Diagram

3.Part List – a) Hand Sketches

4.Cad – In which there is a part drawing, Assembly and Draft

5.Bill of Materials

Today we work on


Today me, Kartik and Dixit sir went to Nephate institute to receive the defected incinerator for the modification in it.

After that we visit the “Sawant Automation” for recieving the repaired battery of E-cycle and give them the defected battery of the E-rickshaw for the reparing purpose. After that at evening I search for the new burners for the incinerator on indiamart and contact the dealers for the details of the burners.


Today me and kartik went to pune for the enquiry of the burners, we have to find the ribbon burners for the new incinerator, so we reach to Nana Peth Pune and explore the various suppliers for the burners. After that we buy the exhaust fan of cfm 100 for the dome drayer and also buy the 2000 Aluminium rivets and rivet gun. We buy exhaust duct for the dome drayer from bhosari.


We buy the the old burners from the Pabal at cost of 1100Rs per burner, So for the design of the incinerators basket we have to check the penetration of the burners for that we arrange burners as per the incinerator and ignite the burners and also we put copper gas piping in the water for the checking of the lickages, After testing we find that the peneratation of the burner is 18-20 cm.


After all the brainstorming we finalise the design of incinerator with the Prasad Sir and Dixit Sir. This time we change the positions of the burners , We put burners inside that is the flame of the burner is from inside to outside so there is no no contact of flame and gaskets.

By the maximum penetration of the burners we deside the inner and outer radius of the circular basket which is 12cm and 29 cm respt. And heigh of basket is 30cm.


Now we have the basic dimensions of the basket and position of the burners. So I started with sketch of the modified incinerator, We have to attach the new system in the privious caseing of the incinerator so according to that we have to design the system, So I took the dimension of the previous caseing for the design purpose. After that started sketching.

This is the sketch of the incineratorV2.

In which there is a stand for the fixing the position of the burners.


After the varification of the sketches I started the CAD of the modified incinerator, In which me and abhijeet design stand for the fixing the burners.And also done the part design of the components of the incinerator like burner, copper pipe, T and L connector.


After this we give the position to the burners with the help of the stand. Assembly of Burners and stand takes place.

By observing the dimensions of the previous casing we have design the stand of burner , by which it can easily get attach to the casing.


After this we fix the basket as per the design. And also done the copper piping to the burners for the lpg gas. Also we have to fix this system in previous housing , so we join the additional arms to the burners stand.


Now designing of the incinerator is completed, so we started the fabrication.

Firstly we search the square tube pipes of 2 inches and cut them as per the design.

Costing of 2 inches Square Pipe-

2 inch square pipe cost 45Rs per feet.

We use 4 pipes of 500 mm length.

So, 75Rs X 4 = 300Rs

And 4 pipes of 255 mm length.

So, 38Rs X 4 = 153Rs

We also use 1 inch Square pipes for the stand

We use 6 pipes of 255mm length.

Cost of the 1 inch square tube is 18 Rs per feet,

Hence, 16 Rs X 6 = 96 Rs.

Total costing of stand = 549 Rs.

After cutting we drill the holes to pipes for the fastning with the housing.

After cutting and drilling operation we perform the welding to join the 2 inch pipes of the burner stand.


After the burner stand we have to Fabricate baskets for the sanitary pads with the help of the wire mesh.

Our shape of the basket is circular so we have to roll the wire mesh in circular mannar.

We have to fabricate 2 baskets as per the design.

The radius of the inner basket is 12 cm.

The radius of the outer basket is 24 cm (we change because to save the material).

Height of the baskets is30 cm.

So, circumference of the inner basket is 75.36 cm.

and outer basket is 150.72 cm.

For 2 baskets cut 2 pieces of 76cm X 30cm.

and 2 pieces of 151cm X 30cm.

After cutting roll the wire mesh with the help of rolling machine.

For the gas, we use copper pipes and brass T and L connectors.

Costing of Copper Pipe and the connectors-

We use 4 copper pipes of 18 inches (4 X 120Rs = 480 Rs)

4 copper pipes of 6 inches (4 X 90Rs = 360 Rs)

And 5 T-connectors (5 X 110Rs = 550Rs)

Total Cost of piping is 1390 Rs

For the safety purpose we did the leakage test with help of compressor and soap solution.


After the fabrication of the incinerator we took first trial with wet clothes, in which water contain is around 8%.

The previous weight of LPG cylinder is 20.675 kg

After one cycle of the incinerator the weight is 20.250 kg.

So, Previous Weight – Weight after one cycle

20.675 – 20.250 = 0.425 kg

Means it took 425 gm (Approx) LPG for a cycle.


Now, After successful trial of incinerator with wet clothes,

We going to try on the pad.

The weight of the pads is 2.377 kg.

Weight of the cylinder before the trial is 20.145 kg.

Loading of the pads.

After the trial of the incinerator weight of the LPG cylinder is 19.570 Kg.

On the basis of the second trial total LPG required for the cycle is

20.145 – 19.570 = 0.575 kg of LPG

Means, 575 gm of the LPG for a cycle with fully loaded incinerator with actual pads.

09/07/2023 – 11/07/2023

Task –

1.Preparation of PPT and Poster for the Open house exhibition.

2.Tinker cad seminar which held on 10th of June.


After the 2 test of the incinerator, it was observed that the inner basket which has direct contact with the burners getting red hot because of the low thermal strength.

So we decided to use the 6mm thickness bars which going to sustain at temperature than previous one.


After the cutting and the bending of the bars, I did the welding.

14/07/2023 – 16/07/2023


1.Preparation of PPT and Poster for the Open house exhibition.


Today we took third trial of incinerator

Objectives of trial was to check the inner basket of the lower basket is capable to take the high temperature or not.

This time we load the thick papers with 10% water contain.

The weight of lower basket without load is 2.80 Kg.

The weight of lower basket with load is 3.5 Kg.

The weight of upper basket without load is 1.99 Kg.

The weight of upper basket with load is 4.0 Kg.

Weight of the LPG cylinder before and after trial.

Before trial – 19.308 kg

After trial – 18.992 kg

But this trial is with the electronic system which contain solenoids and servo motors, which control the LPG and does not allow it to flow continuously, because of that less amount of LPG is used in single.

In this trial around 316 gm of LPG get used which less than the two trials taken before.


Burning cost per pad.

Loading of incinerator is 125 pads.

We use regular LPG cylinder which cost 1120 Rs and container14 kg of LPG.

So, 14000gm/1120Rs = 12.5gm/Rs.

Now,316/12.5 = 25.28 Rs.

Hence 25.28Rs/125pads = 0.20Rs/Pad



1.Maintaining flat bed dryer

2.Maintain Sunny Dryer – Welding of hinges and packing of container.

20/07/2023 – 23/07/2023


1.Fabrication of BSF basket – Cutting of rods and welding of rods.

24/07/2023 – 25/07/2023

Preparation of the PPT and Poster of Incinerator for open house exhibition.


Today we went to Napate institute for the installation of the incinerator and took 1 trial.

After 1st trail we load the incinerator but because of the failure of the SMPS in electronics system we fail on 2nd trial.


1.Install new SMPS in the system.

2.The gas emitting from the incinerator should be get tested.

3.Maintainance of the basket is required regularly.