Hydroponic was discussed with Suvarna Mam and Dixit Sir. I was given the task of maintaining the project of DIC intern Vaishnavi.
This is the wing pod system of the purslane plant.
It grows easily and is a flowering plant for ornamental purpose.


Hydroponics is the cultivation of plants in nutrient-rich water with or without the mechanical support of an inert medium such as sand, gravel or perlite. It is also called soilless farming. In this method of cultivation the roots of plants are suspended in water. The added benefit of controlling and managing pH, CO2, heat, air movement, nutrient supply, water needs, temperature and light planning, helps farmers boost the production of their crops.


1) No soil involved

2) Optimum use of space

3) Control of climate

4) Saving water

5) Optimum use of nutrients

6) pH control

7) Fast growth rate

8) Zero weed

9) Save time process of
Plants that are kept in cocopeat bowls require maintenance and watering is necessary for the life of the plants.

outdoor green wall


Green walls are vertical structures that contain a variety of plants or other greenery. Greenery is often planted in a growth medium made of soil, rock, or water. Because the walls contain live plants, they usually have built-in irrigation systems. Exterior green walls are primarily a visual element. Although they can also be cost-effective because they reduce overall temperatures, capture rainwater or insulate buildings. They are mostly used to green urban landscapes.

benefits of green wall :

purify the air
reduce ambient temperature
reduce noise
more productivity
make the building more fireproof
extend the life of your wall
add more value to your building

Three mediums namely cocopeat, bricks and gravel were used for plant growth and the difference in that growth in hydroponics was investigated. they are like

1) Cocopeat
Cocopeat makes an excellent growing medium for hydroponics, soil mixes, and container plant growing. Coco peat (cocopeat), also known as coir pith. Coir fiber is made from pith, coir dust, or simply coir, Coconut husks are by-products of other industries that use coconuts.
2) Gravel
The downside to gravel as a growing medium is that they are heavy and don’t hold much water. This is why they are undesirable in systems that rely on the growth medium to supply water to plant roots.
3) Brick pieces
easy to clean it
water flows well
cheap and comfortable

DWC (Deep Water Culture) type of hydroponics is used for outdoor green wall:

Deep Water Culture for Plants (DWC) is also called Hydroponics. Simply put, it is a method of growing plants without substrate media. Plant roots are placed in a net pot or grow cup suspended from a lid with the roots hanging down in a liquid nutrient solution.
Easy to set up. Installing deep water enrichment systems is easy and simple and requires only a small number of parts that you can put together in a short amount of time. And the only moving part is an air pump, which is easy to configure.
Deep water culture systems can grow plants especially rapidly with powerful root systems. With the Deep-Water Culture System, your plants’ roots are always in direct contact with the two things they need most: oxygen and nutrients.
It has low maintenance cost and cheap to maintain once the system is installed.

Green wall 

DWC(Deep water culture )

800 to 1200 ppm (check TDS after 2 days )

Water circulation

ph 6 to 6.5


TDS = 1200

ph =   6.5 


10:00am water add 2lt 

TDS = 860

ph  = 8.6 

ES  = 1720

01 /12 /2022 

It was discussed with Dixit Sir and Suvarna Mam that flowers are coming less in it. Then we discussed about light, shadow, and we decided to put mixing potassium nitrate (0.1gm) in it.


Before adding potassium
TDS = 915
Ph = 6
Es = 1849


after adding potassium
TDS = 952
Ph = 8.65
Es = 2129

After lunch there was a discussion with the dixit sir about the ph value that was high in it, so he asked to add phosphoric acid.

What to do if TDS is high …? add more water to it to increase the amount of water
What to do if TDS is less …? add fertilizer to it to correct ph. If it is more, add phosphoric acid to it.
If it is less, add ammonia to it.

Hydroponics System Installation Checked

Checked old worn connections such as LED and bubbler connections
water filled in dwc pipe


TDS = 1000 

Ph  = 6.8

Es   = 1900


no.1 Pipeno.2 Pipeno.3 Pipe
Ec 191518962052


no.1 Pipeno.2 Pipeno.3 Pipe
Ec 203019132013


Nutrients were given in three pipes according to the calculation of each pipe.

S.R.N.NutrientsFor 1 liter of water (grams)For 3.6 liters of water (grams)
1पोटेशियम नाइट्रेट (KNO3)0.51.8
2कैल्शियम नाइट्रेट (CaNO3)0.192 0.6912
3मोनोअमोनियम फॉस्फेट (NH4H2PO4)0.0830.29811
4पोटेशियम सल्फेट (K2SO4)0.2881.0368
5मैग्नीशियम सल्फेट (MgSO4)0.6312.2716

First 11lt water was taken
pipe number = 3
Water in a pipe = 3.6 lt
I weigh all the nutrients and take them in a small mug. I firstly dissolve them in less water and finally I dissolve them in a big bucket of water.

Water remove or new water added by siphon method from hydroponic pipe

Check of TDS after giving nutrients.

no.1 Pipeno.2 Pipeno.3 Pipe
Ec 203019132013


Today TDS pH EC was checked and to maintain TDS, one liter of water was taken out and normal water was added to it.


TDS check after

no.1 Pipeno.2 Pipeno.3 Pipe
Ec 189920402049

To maintain the pH, Sir told that new leaves are also coming in it and more are coming.
So sir said add phosphoric acid or nitrate acid in it so that the pH is correct.

After giving nutrients, I saw that new leaves are coming in the plant and the plant is growing.


Hydroponics was discussed with Dixit Sir, Sonal Mam. I received information about plants. Plants also take some nutrients from the air and take magnesium with water
Nitrogen is available from the water which makes the leaves grow
Calcium increases branching
If TDS is more than 1500 then it is difficult for plants to survive.
Due to lack of air in water, bacteria spoil the plants.
That’s why bubbles have to be made in water.
The bigger the bubble the bigger the plant and the less it stays with the water
The smaller the bubble, the less the plant growth but the longer it stays with the water
To avoid rotting the roots of the plants, the water should be changed and stirred back and forth with the help of a fan and a water pump to create bubbles in the water.


TDS Checked

no.1 Pipeno.2 Pipeno.3 Pipe
Ec 197621402192

Today a 2 watt motor bubble was installed and 2 liters of water was poured by hand after diluting the water.


Phosphoric acid is added to maintain the pH

Water was added to the system. I checked that TDS,Ph,EC was maintained.

In the system, cocopeat media was inserted in the upper pipe tray in the system and ph tds ec was checked. Phosphoric acid was added to it to maintain the ph and later it was checked and gave a correct TDS, PH and EC.

no.1 Pipeno.2 Pipeno.3 Pipe
Ec 200319182030

Media used for hydroponics:

Growing media is the material in which plants grow. In conventional farming you mostly use soil as the growing medium. But in hydroponics you are not limited to just soil. Growing medium helps provide plant roots with the moisture and oxygen they need. It also supports the weight of the plant and keeps it upright.


Another role of media is to allow maximum exposure of nutrients to plant roots. People will moisten the growing media with a solution of nutrients and the wet media will transfer the nutrient to the root system.
Using these media in addition to soil allows gardeners to worry less about the threat of soil-borne diseases and pests. With this they can grow healthier and better plants.


TDS Checked

no.1 Pipeno.2 Pipeno.3 Pipe
Ec 216020802232


Today the plant was shown to Dixit Sir. He said to change its water and that moss was growing in it. So fine pieces of brick and gravel were also put in it, so that moss does not grow. The reason for moss growing is that the water gets light. So algae will grow and change nutrients in water and nutrients are given when TDS becomes less than maintain

Nutrients added in low amounts
Potassium Nitrate Phosphorus NPK =2G
Potassium Nitrate KNO3 =2G
Ammonium nitrate NH4NO3 =(NH3=1.4g +HNO3 =2.6G
Magnesium sulfate MgSO4 =1.5g
All the nutrients were dissolved in 10 liters of water and poured into the plant by hand.

Today the plant was checked after giving new nutrients
PH = 6.48
EC = 1360
To increase TDS a lot, NPK 0.7g is added to it.


ph tds ec checked in the system.

no.1 Pipeno.2 Pipeno.3 Pipe
Ec 181317661982


After giving new nutrients, new leaves have started coming in the plant and it is doing well. The bubbler motor is also working properly and by adding bricks, cocopeat and sand media, the plant has grown well.


Nutrients added in low amounts
Potassium Nitrate Phosphorus NPK=2G
Potassium Nitrate KNO3=2G
Ammonium nitrate NH4NO3=(NH3=1.4g +HNO3 =2.6G
Magnesium sulfate MgSO 4=1.5g

All the nutrients were dissolved in 10 liters of water and poured into the plant by hand.

ph tds ec checked

no.1 Pipeno.2 Pipeno.3 Pipe
Ec 193020002020

Dixit sir checked the plants, then he told me that the plants is also correct but there has been a change in the plant. He advised me to put lime in it to increase the pH. Nitrogen should be increased for vegetarians.
The life of the plant is not right in the plant below a pH of 5 and below a pH of 3, nothing will survive. Therefore the plant ph should be between 6 and 7.

Today I checked the pH TDS EC in the system. To maintain the pH, 1 g of lime dissolved in water was added to the system.

no.1 Pipeno.2 Pipeno.3 Pipe
Ec 202918901876
Lime mix Water


Today I checked the PH TDS EC in the system. And 2lt water was added to it.

no.1 Pipeno.2 Pipeno.3 Pipe
Ec 207020571930


Chemical nutrients applied for plant growth in hydroponic. Seen in three medium such as cocopeat, gravel and brick chips. Brick pieces have an effect on the root of the plants. Slurry plants have the best plant growth in gravel and cocopeat media to create a green wall system.Green wall in hydroponics – TDS is maintained from 800 to 1200 ppm