15/09/2022 to 30/09/2022
Basic electricity has been described in many ways. When an electric current flows through a conductor, a magnetic field (or “flux”) is developed around the conductor. The highest flux density occurs when the conductor is formed in a coil with many turns. In electronics and electrical technology, a coil is commonly referred to as an inductor. If a steady DC current is run through the coil, you will have an electromagnet – a device with the properties of a conventional magnet, except you can turn it on or off by placing a switch in the circuit.
Basics electricity of Safety
There must be an absolute path for the flow of electricity. • Electricity flows through conductors – water, metal, human body • Insulators are non-conductors • Human body is a conductor.
• Minimum distance of 10 feet from overhead lines.
• Inspect all electrical equipment.
• Circuit breaker – none provided to protect equipment – do not reset a breaker with a line voltage greater than 120V and only reset if you know why it tripped
• Distance – If you sense an electrical hazard or the presence of active conductors, keep your distance
keep and stay away
• Circuit Elements – Objects that are part of a circuit and through which current flows.
• Fault – Current flows in an unpredictable path.
• What is grounding?
Protection against electric shock • Usually a secondary safety measure
• Between an electrical circuit or appliance and earth or ground – that produces a low resistance to earth.
• Electricity will not flow until the entire loop goes back and forth through the power source.
do’s and don’ts
• Plug electrical equipment into wall receptacles with the power switch in the OFF position.
• Unplug the electrical appliance by holding and pulling the plug.
• Do not place electrical wires on hot pipes, radiators or sharp objects.
• Check receptacle for missing or damaged parts.
• Do not plug the device into faulty receptacles.
• Check for broken, broken, or loose wires on appliance cords.
• Know the location of the circuit breaker panels that control equipment and lighting in their respective areas. Circuit and equipment disconnects must be identified
• Do not store any material temporarily or permanently within 3 feet of any electrical panel or electrical appliance
• Any electrical equipment that produces shock or has a high leakage potential must be tagged with a hazard tag or equivalent.
Rain gauge meter
Today, the class was informed about the measurement of rainfall and the temperature of the weather. You can prepare data by keeping records every year and also display data for 1 year or more years by making graphs. It can be easily ascertained whether the rainfall is more or less this year.
After the lecture, we went to measure the rain and temperature. Measured the rainfall and observed the temperature of the weather. Measured weather temperature and precipitation and added it to the daily data record sheet.

A special type of instrument is used to measure rainfall, which is named (Rain Gauge Meter/Simons Rain Gauge Meter). Usually this yantra is installed in an open and elevated position. Care is taken at the place chosen to keep the yantra that there is no high-rise wall around, the main reason behind doing this is that instead of hitting any Vaastu, the rain water will directly hit this yantra. will enter. The rain gauge measuring instrument is in the shape of a cylinder with a funnel on top. With the help of a funnel, the rain water falls directly into the cylinder numbering device. There are several types of rain gauges, mostly measured in millimeters or centimeters .
how to measure rain
In which area the amount of rain is to be measured, when the outer cylinder is opened and the water in the bottle is poured into a beaker made of glass, the number of millimeters is marked on this glass beaker.
The number of millimeters of water that comes into the beaker is the measure of rain. Rainfall is measured twice a day during the monsoon. Measuring timings are eight in the morning and five in the evening.
Wiring tool
electronic equipment
Information about electronic components
To work on electronic project, we need many types of tools / equipment and the work of all tools is different, all the tools / equipment used in electronic work were explained. And told how we should use the tool. We were also told about the precautions we should take when we work electrically.

line tester
wire cutter
soldering iron
soldering paste
soldering wire
drill machine
electronic symbol
Before working on an electronic project, it is necessary to make a circuit diagram so that we can explain our project to other people. We need the electronic symbol for this diagram.

How many types of cables are there, information about cables is given. And it was told that cable is a medium that works to transmit electricity to another. The cable is made of a metal which can be aluminum or copper as the two types of metal are most commonly used. On top of the cable is a layer of insulating material. that covers the metal.

Conductor:- This is the main part of the cable. Conductors are used to carry current from one place to another. And only in conductors mainly copper and aluminum metals are found. And it can be single core, double core, multi core.
Wire Insulation:- An insulation layer is applied to the cable so that if someone touches the cable it does not get electrocuted and to protect it from the effects of the environment insulation is also applied to the wire. The insulation of any cable must be of very good quality and must be resistant to moisture and sunlight.
Cable Jacket/Safety Cover:- There are only a few on which a second layer is applied after insulation so that leakage current does not come out of it and we get to see this extra layer in most of the power cables. Those that are used for only three faces, most of them have a protective shield.
Cable type
- On the basis of uses
wiring cable
power cable - Conduct based on content
single core cable
double core cable
triple core cable
Double Core Cable with Earth Connection Wire - On the basis of insulating material
Poly Vinyl Chloride Cable (PVC):-
PVC is used as the insulating material in this type of cable. It is used in house wiring. This type of insulation cable is more prevalent nowadays. There are both copper driver and aluminum driver cables available.
Vulcanized India Rubber Cable (VIR):-
Alchemized rubber is used as insulation in this type of cable. This cable is designed in the range of 250 to 440 V and 650 to 1100 V. This cable is now rarely used. PVC cable has been used instead.
After the cable and wire lecture, the practical of pinning the cable was done. In which we pin the water motor wire in the polyhouse. The pin was of 16 amps. and socket is also checked and installed

Today in class we were given information about multimeter and told that multi tester or multimeter is a device which is used to collect data about electronic circuit. A basic multitester measures resistance, current, voltage, and continuity. While more advanced versions are capable of providing additional data. The multi-tester device is powered by a battery. It consists of two test screens connected to a central pack. Which can be digital or analog. This device consists of several buttons or switches. Used to determine the type of measurement.
Clamp meter
A clamp meter is an electrical test tool that combines a basic digital multimeter with a current sensor. Clamps measure current. Probes measure voltage. Having a hinged jaw integrated into an electrical meter allows technicians to clamp the jaws around a wire, cable or other conductor at any point in an electrical system, then measure current in that circuit without disconnecting/deenergizing it. Beneath their plastic moldings, hard jaws consist of ferrite iron and are engineered to detect, concentrate and measure the magnetic field being generated by current as it flows through a conductor. Current-sensing jaw. Tactile barrier (to protect fingers from shocks). Hold button: Freezes the display reading. Reading is released when button is pushed a second time. Dial (aka rotary switch). Display. Backlight button.
Ammeter is a measuring instrument used to measure the electric current. When measuring the electric current the ammeter should be connected in series with the power supply and load. The symbol of the ammeter is drawn by a circle on the capital letter A.
Voltmeter Symbol
The voltmeter is a measuring instrument used to measure the voltage. When measuring voltage, the voltmeter should be connected in parallel with the power supply. The symbol of the voltmeter is drawn by a circle on the capital letter V.
Energy Meter Symbol
An energy meter is an electrical measuring instrument used to measure electrical energy. The energy meter also has two coils – a current coil and a voltage coil. An energy meter also works almost the same as a wattmeter, just the difference is it measures the electrical power per hour or a minute or second.
The electricity due to the flow of electrons is known as current electricity. The electricity built on the surface of a substance is known as static electricity. Current electricity is generated by power plants and batteries.
A force, such as friction, that operates opposite the direction of motion of a body and tends to prevent or slow down the body’s motion. A measure of the degree to which a substance impedes the flow of electric current induced by a voltage. Resistance is measured in ohms.
Multimeter checked the electrical board and battery around you with a multimeter.

Solar Light & Connection
We were told about solar lights. The materials required for solar were told such as multi meter, solar system energy diagram, solar panel, battery, charge controller, claim meter etc. Explain at what degree the solar panel is and how to get the power and voltage (P=V * I). There are two types of systems in solar, on-grid and off-grid, and then the methods of cleaning the solar panels were explained, such as cleaning with pipes, cleaning with robots, etc. And then we went to check the solar system installed for the poly house. , Cleaned the solar panel and checked the meters there. Checked the ampere in all the wires with a claim meter. And checked off grid and on grid system of solar system.

In today’s class, information was given about earthing, how many types of earthing are there, why earthing is necessary and how earthing is done.
Earthing means that the neutral point of the supply system and the different types of equipment used in the electrical system like refrigerator light fan charger distribution board etc. are connected to the ground through a copper wire so that in case of any type of fault Directly pass the leakage current generated in the earth and any kind of danger is avoided. It is a kind of production system that always protects us. And practical of plate earthing was taken.
plate earthing
pipe earthing
plate earthing

It has metal plate for earthing. There are two types of this plate. For earthing we have just used copper plate which is mostly used. 8 SWG size copper wire from this plate is used as earth wire. This earth wire is tightened with the help of nut bolt in the plate under the ground. After that this wire is taken out with the help of pipe.
The earth plate is placed about 1.5 m below the ground. In this pit, the clay plate is first covered with a layer of salt and 15-15 cm thick charcoal.
To maintain moisture in the pit inside it, we keep adding water from time to time. For this we bring the pipe from the plate to the upper surface of the ground. Make a funnel on the upper surface and lay a net in it and with this arrangement we keep pouring water into this earthing from time to time.
After the plate earthing practical, we went to check the earthing of the meditation hole. There we saw how earthing was done and checked the strength of earthing with multimeter, claim meter and test lamp.

Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
MCB is a circuit breaker, now the function of a circuit breaker is that whenever there is an electrical fault, the circuit breaker automatically trips and stops the supply. Trip means automatic supply shutdown when any problem occurs the fault is called trip.

MCB gives us protection in case of two faults.
overload fault
short circuit fault
mcb current rating
1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 6A, 10A, 13A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 32A, 40A, 50A, 63A
types of mcb based on pole
1 pole
2 pole
3 pole
4 pole
Practical – 6
MCB :- Today information about MCD board was given. Why MCB board is installed and what is its function was explained. If there is any problem related to light then first of all we should switch off the MCB. Always MCB for input and output power when making connections Board should be installed. After that we changed the MCB of girls hostel which got burnt due to short circuit. We installed new 40v mcb . Replaced the connectors that had a short circuit.
Battery: Battery is an energy storage device made up of many cells. Electrochemical reactions take place inside battery cells that convert chemical energy into electrical energy. These electrochemical reactions are caused by the ions present in the chemical. There are two types of plates present in each cell, cathode and anode, which help in the flow of electrons. In this way, we can extract energy from a cell. Thus a battery is made by connecting one cell to another cell in parallel or series. The chemicals in the cell do not generate energy until the circuit between its positive (cathode) and negative (anode) terminals is completed.
A battery has two terminals – the positive terminal (+) and the negative terminal (-). In this we can extract energy from the battery by adding our load. The flow of electrons inside cells is from negative to positive, but the current in a circuit is from positive to negative. This way the output current and voltage miles from the battery.
Two types of batteries
primary battery
secondary battery,
Primary Battery: – The battery which is used once and thrown away (use and throw). It is also called non-rechargeable battery. For example – clock cell.
Secondary Battery:- Battery which can be repeatedly charged-discharged. It is also called rechargeable battery. , For example- Inverter Battery, Car Battery, UPS Battery, Lithium Battery.
Fuse :- Fuse is a component which is used to protect the equipment or circuit from any kind of damage. In case of excessive current or any kind of fault in the equipment, the fuse shuts off its supply. So that damage can be avoided. Different types of fuses are used in all appliances. Depending on the current going to the appliance or the load the appliance takes, the fuse is also fitted.
There is a small metal wire in the fuse. When an overload condition occurs in the circuit, the current in the circuit increases greatly and when this excessive current passes through a small thin wire, heat is generated in the fuse wire according to Joule’s law (I2Rt). And the fuse wire melts.
Type of fuse
Cartridge Fuse:- Cartridge fuse is fully closed. And being closed they are not affected by the environment, so their fusing current remains constant. The key cap is on and the fuse wire is connected to these two side caps. Powder is filled inside this fuse, which prevents the spark from spreading when the fuse is on. An index circle is made above this fuse, which is white at first. But if the fuse blows, then its color becomes black, which can be known only by looking at it. that the fuse is blown, these fuses are very expensive and are mostly used.
K It-Cat or Rewireable Fuse:- Cricket shoes have two parts, one part is called fuse base and the other part is carrier on which a fixed current fuse is mounted. If for some reason the fuse is blown, the fuse carrier can be removed from the fuse base and re-wired. This fuse is made of ceramic and is widely used in household wiring. 5 amp/s in household wiring. 250v and 15amp/250v shoes are used and fuses up to 300amp/440v are used in larger factories.
Rules of OM
According to this rule, if the physical conditions of a conductor (eg: – temperature, pressure etc.) are kept constant, then the electric current flowing in it is proportional to the potential difference across the conductor.
Ohm’s Law Formula
If the potential across the ends of the conductor is V and the current flowing in the conductor is I, then :-
V ∝ I
That is, when the value of voltage increases, the value of current also increases and when the value of voltage is used, the value of current also decreases.
V = RI
In Ohm’s law, R is a fixed constant called the resistance of the conductor.
R = V / I
Ohm’s law to find the value of voltage
Ohm’s law to find the value of electric current I=V/R
Ohm’s law to find the value of resistance R=V/I
Using Ohm’s law, we can find the value of potential difference, current and resistance.

Voltage (Potential): The difference of potential between two points in a conductor is called potential difference, it is a kind of force that pushes the electron, due to which the electric current flows.
Electric current or current: – When electrons start moving, it is called electric current.
Resistance:- The obstruction that occurs in the flow of electric current is called resistance. The formula for resistance is R = V/I

series and parallel connection method
S Series Combination Method – Two or more resistances are to be connected in such a way that the end of the first resistance, the first end of the second resistance and its second end, the first end of the third resistance etc. are connected together. for other resistors. flow path becomes

Parallel Connection: In a parallel circuit, the voltage across each component is the same, and the total current is the sum of the currents flowing through each component. In a series circuit, each device must do work to complete the circuit. If one bulb burns out in a series circuit, the whole circuit is broken

Information about series connection and parallel connection is provided. How wiring is done in series and parallel connection and where is series connection done and where is parallel connection done. In series connection voltage is divided and current is same everywhere but in parallel connection voltage is same and current is divided
Parallel connection

Series connection

Parallel and series connection calculation

Electrical board wiring
Information about the wiring of the electrical board.
How to give positive and negative relationship. Negative connection is not provided in the switch. The size of the wire should be taken according to the voltage and current. It is necessary to put fuse in the board and about earthing wire
Told. Next I made the electrical board and expansion board

expansion board

electric water pump wiring check

Battery hydrometer
Battery Hydrometer:- It is an instrument which measures the gravity of the battery. If we talk about its texture, then it has circular hairs of rubber and in the front part there is a rubber tube which is immersed in the battery water.
The tube is inserted into the battery water, there are some scales in this tube. This scale shows whether the battery water is correct or not, if the scale map works from 1100 to 1300, then the battery water is not correct.
electric power
Electric power is the rate at which electrical energy is transferred by an electric circuit. The SI unit of power is the watt, one joule per second. Standard suffixes are applied to the watt, along with other SI units: thousands, millions and billions of watts are called kilowatts, megawatts, and gigawatts, respectively.
SI Unit: Watt (W)
Electrical Wiring Electrical Switch Spinner Socket Blink Pin Ceiling Rose Electrical Fuse
PVC wire
Copper or aluminum conductors are used in this type of wiring. These conductors are covered by polyvinyl chloride insulation. This wire is 1.5 mm. Available in 2, 2.5mm, 4mm other sizes. It is available in single core, dual core and three core. Nowadays PVC wires are being widely used. It lasts for a long time. It is used for PVC operations, PVC casing capping, overhead wiring, etc. It is not sensitive to light amounts of water, heat, oil, acid, alkaline, sun rays, ultra violet rays etc. It is available in 600, 660, 1100. voltage grade. F. R. Wires and F. R. Ali. S wires are widely used because of their current carrying capacity and higher voltage rating than older PBC cars.
Standard wire gauge
A standard wire gauge is an instrument used to determine the diameter of a wire and the size of a conductor. It is a thin circular steel plate with many slots made in its circumference. Each slot is marked with a unique number indicating the gauge. There are holes at the ends of each slot. so that the wires can be removed easily.
electrical switch
single pole switch
Bell Push –
Double Pole
Plug pin & plug socket.
ceiling rose

plug pin
On-Grid Solar Power for Gray Water
The use of renewable energy sources has intensified over a few decades to extract electricity and use free natural sources to reduce carbon emissions. The use of renewable energy sources is widely spread from the power sector to the agriculture sector. Along with electricity, water is also the biggest need. With the development, there has been an increase in the demand of water for both rural and domestic users in India.
Gray water recycling
Generally tap/portable water meets the water requirement for daily activities. Portable water is required for applications such as bathing, drinking, cooking, dishwasher. The water used for bathing, washing clothes is called gray water. Some activities do not necessarily require portable water such as laundry, toilet flushing, and agricultural applications. This demand can be satisfactorily met with recycled gray water. Many liters of tap water can be saved by using recycled gray water. Different water recycling filters are available in the market to recycle gray water.
step 1- involves pre-filtering for GW in which the gray water goes through pre-filtration, the process consuming the water required to pump the water into the storage tank. This stage consists of a submersible pump that is connected to a 220v power supply.
step 2 – the processed water goes through activated sludge treatment, then transport the water to the particles
step 3- is done with air-water pump
Solar PV installation for gray water recycling. Solar energy is used to recycle gray water for activities. As a household water problem, shortages are seen prominently in large cities. Solar systems have been used to supply the power requirement of gray water recycling as well as the electrical load of the system. Solar based on water availability. The water is recycled using electricity from the PV system
Step 4:- Panel stands were first set up for solar installation.
Step 5:- They were wired by setting the panel, they were connected in series connection.
Step 6:- (VFD) variable frequency drive
(VFD) is a type of motor controller that drives an electric motor by varying the frequency and voltage of the power supply. The VFD has the capability to control the ramp-up and ramp-down of the motor during start or stop respectively.
Step 7:- After connecting the wiring, check the panel’s vault
Step 8 :– Earthling Installations. There is a copper plate which is mostly used. The earth wire is tightened with the help of nut bolt in the plate below the ground. The wire is then brought to the outside with the help of a 12.7 mm diameter GI pipe. The earth plate is placed about 1.5 m below the ground. In this pit, the earth plate is first covered with a layer of thick salt and charcoal. As can be seen in the picture. To retain the moisture in the pit inside it, we keep pouring water from the bucket from time to time.
gray water system ready to work
Assignment :2
Solar street light was checked in Mati mand school near Vigyan ashram and opened it in fab lab in Vigyan ashram, if ldr sensor is bad in it, then it was prepared by removing it and installing new sensor from soldering and charging it to school. installed in

Went to check gray water system at LRG school in main village 10 km from Pabal, then update of system was taken and system was running properly