Vigyan Ashram Pabal 

Design Innovation Center (DIC)

“Designing a Solution” a one month online course.

  1. Introduction of Vigyan Ashram and DIC
  2. Rural opportunities
  3. Reason why to join the course and course outcomes
  4. Course structure orientation
  5. Common brainstorming and discussion session with all about problems around them and group formation

Course contents –

  1. Design thinking methodology orientation through Vigyan Ashram technology/case study
  2. Design thinking methodology 
  • Empathy

Tools in empathy

  • Problem Definition

Problem definition tools

  • Ideation 

Methods/tools of ideation

  • Prototyping

Tools of prototyping

  • Testing 
  1. Tools 
  • Literature study and relevant data study
  • CAD tools (Solidworks/ Fusion 360)
  • Laser cutting
  • 3D printing
  • PCB milling and circuit design
  1. Every member case study/problem discussion once weekly
  2. Schedule of activities
  • Lectures
  • Case studies
  • Tools 
  1. Google classroom
  • Assignments
  • Discussion room
  • Relevant data for study

Session ContentsTime
lCourse commencementIntroduction of Vigyan Ashram and DICStructure of the course Reason why to join the course and course outcomesCourse structure orientation
Assignment : Visit sites : (Students pages in content -yearwise)  ; (students blog) ; (Technologies) and compendium on Rural technologies, 
Write a problem, you wish to work on and submit in a Classroom assignment.  
Introduction to all members : : Yogesh Kulkarni(VA program , philosophy { PPT : YK }—————-Course structure, Do and Dont for students){ PPT : Sonal }

Rural Problems and opportunitiesWeb blog : Documentation / profile .. 

Assignment : ( Google Classroom ) 
Write your profile on blog. Try different options and settings in your mobile. Try different posters and presentations templates available online. 
Yogesh(problems are opportunities : Case study of VA WLL internet system) { PPT : YK }—————How to document on blog : YK(Photo , language, tools for photo editing, video editing, compression, upload you-tube  – suhas/Aditi) {PPT : Suhas/Aditi }     
lllCommon brainstorming and discussion session with all about problems around them and group formationArea of Interest Group 
          Assignment : ( Your idea write / Why ..What ..)           Write your problem statement on blog           Discussion with your mentor on the problem.          Make web search of the solutions available. Write it on your blog.  
What are SDGs and priority areas : YK { PPT : YK }—————Forming Thematic groups : Agriculture, Food processing, Electronics { PPT : Sonal }
lVDefining  a problem and Design thinking methodology orientation (VA case study)                       Assignment :            Define scope of your project and post it on blog.            Draw sketch of your idea. VA example ? Dryer case study. : YK  
How to define a problem.{PPT : Sonal}  
VReview of literature (connecting dots / Knowledge mining …)  : Sonal : Google keyword search  ; census GIS – secondary data ( ranajeet)  
Assignment :Study Science behind the problem and solutions. Research similar attempts and scientific papers. Online census and write the big picture if your project becomes successful.   
Session : Case study of review of literature : Composting : Azolla : Sonal (dixit Sir / YK){PPT  Sonal}—————–Use of online tools, census information ; : Ranjeet (IITB PPT){PPT : Ranajeet}
VlEmpathy (Voice of Customer, Voice of customer’s customer)
Assignment : Write , who is your customer ? Either of following options Google form and send it to customer (Talk to them over phone)Use online data tools like Cencus / QGIS / weather data…. 
Voice of customer : Case study : Rice machine : YK {PPT : Amol}—————Tools to records VOC : Google form , Google map; QGIS(intro)Sonal  {PPT :Sonal}
VllIdeation (Tools like ideas sharing, Diverge/ converge thinking approach, Prioritize
Assignment : Working on project concept. Sketch, material selection, mechanism, cost of product 
What is brain storming ? COVID response to VA. – Amol + YK {PPT :Amol}
VlllPrototypingDigital Designing (CAD software, Electronics circuit design)
Assignment           Draw digital drawing of your project. Dimension drawing.Sepcifications and parts   
What is digital fabrication ? Importance : YK Introduction to tools : YK+Suhas{PPT :YK+Suhas} 
lXDigital Fabrication (CAM and CNC machines, Laser cutting, 3D printing)Prototype TestingAssignment Project Designing Simulation (if possible) Selecting Appropriate machining tools :  YK +Suhas {PPT:Suhas+YK}
XIndividuals solution to problem (discussion) – course outcomeConcluding the course
Assignment : Presentation of project. 

Field testing and results : VA case study : Compost (Amol +YK){PPT : Amol}
XI Journey from proof of concept — product  Presenting your solution. How to take project ahead,   Egg incubator            Startup , Packaging… Case study :YK{PPT :Amol}


Sr.Noप्रश्न highlight Point 
1तुम्ही आश्रमात कसे आलात?वेगळेपण, ग्रामीण तंत्रज्ञान, थोआरी ते life, Job, रिअल problem 
2तुम्ही आश्रमात कॉलेज पेक्षा वेगळे काय ?handson, supply chain, marketing, peer learning, documentation
3प्रश्न कसा निवडला?problem घेऊन आलो, blank आलो, ठरवून आलो पण वेगळे काम केले. 
4काय शिकलात ?designing thinking, connecting theory to life, human engineering, business economics 
5आश्रमात आल्यावर दृष्टीकोन कसा बदलला ?प्रश्नाकडे संधी म्हणून बघणे, कर्तव्य – करिअर, ध्येय/ मार्ग भरकटलेला, connecting the dot, entrepreneurship – job. 

Shubham – Knows Ashram, supply chain, juggle in problem, designing thinking, ध्येय/ मार्ग भरकटलेला

Prasad – ग्रामीण तंत्रज्ञान, peer learning, problem घेऊन आलो, business economics, entrepreneurship – job

Sonal – Theory ते life, handson, blank आलो, connecting the dot, प्रश्नाकडे संधी म्हणून बघणे.

Amol – Job, marketing, ठरवून आलो पण वेगळे काम केले, human engineering, कर्तव्य – करिअर

Timetable for online course

Date Session ContentsTime
15/06/2020(Monday)ICourse commencement and  orientation
4.00 -5.00pm
16/06/2020 (Tuesday)Mentoring4.30 -5.30 pm
19/06/2020(Friday)IIInsight to Rural Problems and opportunities
4.00 -5.00pm
22/06/2020 (Monday)                                                                                                                Mentoring4.30 -5.30 pm
23/06/2020(Tuesday)III Identifying Problems around you4.00 -5.00pm
25/06/2020 (Thursday)Mentoring4.30 -5.30 pm
26/06/2020(Friday)IVDesign thinking methodology-Empathy 4.00 -5.00pm
29/06/2020 (Monday)Mentoring4.30 -5.30 pm
30/06/2020(Tuesaday)VConnecting dots and knowledge mining 4.00 -5.00pm
02/07/2020 (Thursday)Mentoring4.30 -5.30 pm
3/07/2020(Friday)VIDefining  a problem4.00 -5.00pm
06/07/2020 (Monday)Mentoring4.30 -5.30 pm
7/07/2020(Tuesday)VIIIdeation (Tools and Methods)4.00 -5.00pm
09/07/2020 (Thursday)Mentoring4.30 -5.30 pm
10/06/2020(Friday)VIIIPrototyping (Tools and Methods)4.00 -5.00pm
13/07/2020 (Monday)Mentoring4.30 -5.30 pm
14/07/2020(Tuesday)IXDigital Fabrication4.00 -5.00pm
16/07/2020 (Thursday)Mentoring4.30 -5.30 pm
17/07/2020(Friday)XJourney from proof of concept to product,course outcome, Concluding the course4.00 -5.00pm

Session I – Course commencement and orientation (15/06/2020,Monday)

12 students attended 

Introduction and orientation 

Session I A – Mentoring 

16/06/2020 (Tuesday)

Interaction with students

  1. Pranali Kodag
  • To work on literacy

(Suggested to visit NIF site)

  1. Manoj Dasuri
  • Fruits processing in Konkan for value addition

(Suggested to search about Mitraniketan)

  1. Alfiya Mulla
  • To solve rural problems (farmers) using renewable energy
  • To develop and use technology at own farm

(to read book by Shripad Dabholkar)

  1. Kajal Mhaldar
  • Gardening

(To read book by Shripad Dabholkar)

  • To watch following videos

Videos :

परसबागेसाठी जागेची निवड जमिन तयार करणे    

परसबागेमध्ये बीज प्रक्रिया आणि रोपांची लागवड करणे

परसबागेची निगा आणि पाणी देण्याच्या पध्दती

परसबागेची नविन पध्दत

परसबागेसाठी आच्छादन पध्दत

पाण्याचा पुर्नवापर

कंपोस्ट : शंका निरसन
  1. Abhijeet Deshmukh
  • Wastewater treatment