As we know to make curd we required maximum 7-8 hours. So to reduce this time we have designed curd maker which will make curd in only 3 Hrs. By doing trials we get to know that temperature required for curd to make in 3 hrs is 42 degree.
So previously system is designed using wooden box,and to set the temperature TC513 Temperature controller is used. Thermocouple is used to measure the temperature value.This system was working properly due to rottening , wooden box got damaged.
To overcome this problem new FRP coated box is designed.

Display Type | 7 Segment LED, Single Display |
Display Configuration | 3 Digits |
Type of Input | Thermocouple (J,K,T,R,S) / RTD (PT100) |
Control Output | RELAY or SSR |
Accuracy | For TC (J, K, T) inputs: 0.25% of F.S. ± 1 °: For R & S inputs: 0.5% of F.S. ±2 (20min of warm up time) For RTD inputs: 0.1% of F.S ±1 |
Supply Voltage | 85 to 270V AC / DC |
Size | 48 x 48mm |
Mounting Type | Panel Mount |
I have designed box to put temperature controller inside the box and connections are made. Box is made in acrylic material and cut on laser cutter.
The design file is uploaded below:
To reduce the heat losses glasswool is used as insulation material. Glasswool is placed in FRP box.After making connections system is tested.To test the system trials are taken.After successful trials system is kept in kitchen.