Human urine  is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus  as well as potassium. According to the reference report(  90 million gallons of urine contains 7 million pounds of  nitrogen. This means that 340 litres of urine contents 3.17 kg is of  nitrogen, which is equivalent to 6.799 kgs of urea.  

A person urinates about  550 litres in a  year, at an average  of 1.5 litres  per  day.  The  quantity  of  urine  urinated  by  a  person in  a  year  contains  sufficient  nutrients  to grow  250  kg  of  cereal  required  for  a  person  per  year. 

Ref ttp://

 At Vigyan Ashram we have 70 + headcount during daytime and 50 +   over night . If we can collect 75 liters of human urine, which is   50% of the total generated in VA campus. Then 75 litres of urine is equivalent to 1.5 kg of urea  everyday. This amounts to 547. 5 kg of Urea in an year which is almost requirement of  1 acre of agricultural land.