- To Calibrate Auto-farm Sensor
- To measure humidity , temperature by auto farm sensor
Need Of Project :
- Farmers spend endless hours of driving to their field to check on their crops and manually operate the irrigation systems.
- This is time and labor intense with significant costs to the farmers and sub-optimal use of expensive resources.
- Its low man power & chief labour cost.
- Measuring soil moisture is important for Agricultural applications to help farmers manage their Irrigatin System more efficiently.
- Knowing the exact soil moisture conditions on their fields, not only are farmers able to generally use less water to grow a crop.
- they are also able to increase yields and the quality of the crop by improved management of soil moisture during critical plant growth stages.
- It should to calculted by soil moisture, temerature, and humidity.
Types Of Sensor :
- Soil Moisture Sensor
- Temperature Sensor
- Humidity sensor.
1] Moisture: The Amount of water vapour present in the air is called as moisture.
2] Bulk Density : It is weight of soil in given volume.
- Bulk density increases with compaction and tends to increase depth
- bulk density higher than 1.6 gm/cc tends to ristrict root growth
Define: It is amount of water vapour present in air
- Ideal relative humidity for health is about 40-50 %
Sr.No. | TYPES OF SAMPLE | WATER (ml) | SOIL (gm) | WHC(%) |
1 |
Soil | 100 | 50 | 38 |
2 | Red Soil | 100 | 50 | 32 |
- Took 100ml of water is added to a 50 gm of soil in funnel.
- To hold the soil in some amount of water.
- Available water is the difference between field capacity which is the maximum amount of water the soil can hold soil.
- Water holding capacity is the total amount of water a soil can hold at field capacity.
- Sandy soils tend to have a low water storage capacity
- Clay soil tends to have a high water storage capacity.
- Structure and depth of crop roots affect access to available water
Bulk Density:
By Using Volumetric Method:
Define:It is defined as the weight of soil in given volume
Formula: Bulk Density=wt. of wet soil(gm)/soil volume(cm^3)
- weight of wet soil=197.3 gm
- volume of soil = 150 cc
B.D=197.3 gm/150 cc
=1.3 gm/cc
Core Cutter Instrument:

- length of core cutter=76.3 mm
- the inner diameter of core cutter=5.5 cm
- the outer diameter of core cutter=6.5 cm
- the thickness of cutter=2.5 mm
- Height of dolly= 15 mm
Why Used This Method
- This is used for the determination of dry density of natural soil.
- A cylindrical cutter is used to extract a sample of the soil with the help of a dolly and rammer.
- the weight, density, and moisture of the soil are readily calculated.
- It should have more accuracy
- The volume of core cutter=45.29 cc
- The weight of soil in core cutter=238 g
Bulk density Of Soil =Weight of soil in core cutter/ volume of core cutter
= 238/45.29
= 1.4 gm/cc
Autofarm VS Hygrometer Reading On Date 06/06/2109
- Hygrometer instrument used in meteorological science to measure the relative humidity or amount of water vapor in the air.
- The most common type of hygrometer, which is called a psychrometer,
- It uses two thermometers: one with a wet bulb and one with a dry bulb.
Hygrometer ( for 300ml of water)
Time | temperature ^C | Humidity % |
3.42 | 35.8 | 63.6 |
3.47 | 36.1 | 74.8 |
3.52 | 36.4 | 77.2 |
3.57 | 36.4 | 57 |
4.02 | 36.2 | 57.2 |
4.07 | 36 | 56.2 |
4.12 | 36 | 56.7 |
4.17 | 35.7 | 55.5 |
4.22 | 35.8 | 54.2 |
4.27 | 35.6 | 55.8 |
4.32 | 35.2 | 56 |
4.37 | 35.4 | 56.7 |
4.42 | 35.4 | 55.5 |
4.47 | 35.1 | 54.5 |
4.52 | 35 | 53.6 |
4.57 | 34.6 | 55.1 |
5.02 | 34.7 | 53.9 |
for Added 150ml of water | ||
5.02 | 34.3 | 51 |
5.12 | 33.44 | 79.20 |
5.17 | 33.6 | 83.7 |
5.22 | 33.13 | 87.38 |
5.27 | 33.19 | 88.16 |
5.32 | 33.13 | 86.79 |
5.37 | 32.94 | 87.75 |
5.42 | 32.90 | 84.35 |
5.47 | 32.75 | 84.07 |
5.52 | 32.63 | 77.37 |
Autofarm Reading
Time | Temperature | Humidity |
3.50 | 36.9 | 46.46 |
3.55 | 35.81 | 75.26 |
4.00 | 35.44 | 76.58 |
4.05 | 35.38 | 68.3 |
4.10 | 35.31 | 71.20 |
4:15 | 35.38 | 73.76 |
4:20 | 35.38 | 74.55 |
4:25 | 35.30 | 69.34 |
4:30 | 35.6 | 71.41 |
4:35 | 35 | 72.80 |
4:40 | 34.94 | 72.6 |
For 150 ml of water added | ||
5:07 | 34.3 | 51 |
5:12 | 33.44 | 79.20 |
5:17 | 33.6 | 83.7 |
5:22 | 33.13 | 87.38 |
5:27 | 33.19 | 88.16 |
5:32 | 33.13 | 86.79 |
5:37 | 32.94 | 87.75 |
5:42 | 32.90 | 84.35 |
5:47 | 32.75 | 84.07 |
5:52 | 35.63 | 77.37 |

Humidity Reading On date 21/06/2019
Time | Net Humidity | Actual Sensor Outside | Temperature |
10:13 | 53 | 62 | 31 |
10:50 | 51 | 60 | 32 |
11:00 | 49 | 58 | 32 |
11:40 | 45 | 56 | 33 |
12:06 | 43 | 53 | 33 |
12:50 | 42 | 51 | 34 |
1:30 | 41 | 51 | 34 |
2:00 | 41 | 51 | 33 |
2:30 | 41 | 51 | 33 |
3:00 | 42 | 51 | 32 |
3:54 | 46 | 53 | 34 |
On Date 22/06/2019
Time | Hygrometer | Google Hum. | Outside Sensor |
11:45 | 51.2 | 63 | 63 |
12:00 | 51.7 | 63 | 60 |
12:15 | 53.6 | 63 | 64 |
12:30 | 54.3 | 63 | 67 |
12:45 | 56 | 63 | 67 |
1:00 | 56.9 | 63 | 67 |
1:15 | 59.2 | 82 | 68 |
1:30 | 87 | 82 | 92 |
Box Making:
- Its store the water about 500ml
- Its deep sleeve & insert the humidity Sensor due to capillary action
- length of box = 200 mm
- height of box= 62.5 mm
- width of box= 40 mm
Volume Of Box= 200*62.5*40
=500 ml

The readings are almost close on net & Autofarm
Soil Testing
- Increases productivity by identifying soil nutrients or soil chemical factors that are limiting plant growth;
- Increases fertilizer use efficiency by indicating appropriate rates for different soils and crops;
- Protects the environment by preventing over fertilization;
- Identifies polluted or contaminated soils
Five Tested Soil Completed:
- PH
- EC
- Organic Carbon (OC)
- Nitroge (N)
- Phosphorus(P)
- Potassium(K)
PH :
- Took 10 gm of the soil sample in a beaker
- Adding 20 ml distilled water
- set machine about 2.85-2.88 Calibrated
- After detecting PH

Electric conductivity:
- Took 10 gm of the soil sample in a beaker
- Adding 20 ml distilled water
- Set machine about 1.47-1.48 Calibrated
- After detecting EC
Organic Carbon: (OC)
- Took .50 gm soil sample
- Took 4 ml solution in bottle No.4
- Took 8 ml solution in Bot. No 5
- Set about 1/2 hrs Solution
- After Added 38 ml distilled Water
- Filter Solution
- Took reading on nagarjun soil machine
Nitrogen: N
- Took .50 gm soil sample
- Took 4 ml solution in bottle No.4
- Took 8 ml solution in Bot. No 5
- Set about 1/2 hrs Solution
- After Added 38 ml distilled Water
- Filter Solution
- Took reading on nagarjun soil machine
Phosphrous: P
- Took 1 gm soil in test tube
- Took .20 gm of powder in Bottle No. 6
- Added 20 ml solution in Bottle No. 7 And Shakig About 1/2 hrs
- After filter solution
- Took 5 ml filter solution in test tube
- added 1 ml of solution in bottle No. 9
- Added 4 ml stock soultion -A
- added 25 ml DW
- took Reading
Potassium : K
- Took 2 gm saoil sample
- Took 10 ml solution in bottle No. 12 & Shaking 5 min
- Ater filter solutio
- Took 1 ml filter solution
- Added 2 ml stock solution-B & Added 1 ml Stock Soultion-C
Farmer Name: Balubai Choudhari
PH | EC(ms/cm) | OC(%) | N(kg/ha) | P(kg/ha) | K(kg/ha) |
7.10 | .46 | .76 | 153.6 | 51.83 | 15.17 |

- PH is very good. but
- The NPK is very less present in the soil