It was the first colored dome trial.
This batch started at 3 pm on 24th JAN’2019. The procedure is as follows;
- I took 3.5 kg sawdust.
- I mixe11-liter water in sawdust.
- I kept the mixture as it is for half an hour.
- After that, I did the weight of it.
- I took 10 gm sample for LOD.
- I had evenly distributed wet sawdust on each plate. As follows, Plate One- 1 kg, Plate Two- 1.5 kg, Plate Three- 2 kg, Plate Four- 2.4 kg, Plate Five-2.6 kg, Plate Six- 2.6 kg.
- I noted down the time when the batch was loaded.
- From south and north take samples.

The dome was colored black because black is a great absorbent of heat as the reflection through a black surface is minimum and it gets heated up more than any other color and we got our data, the sawdust dried in 48hours.
Next Plan:
Planned to take 1 more trial on a colored dryer.