Dr. Dixit was having a hard time storing his packets and utensils with foodstuff since rats used to spoil it. Hence he wanted a cupboard in which he could store his foodstuff and utensils with milk, curd, etc in it.
He had an empty space of 1.75*2.5*2.1 feet under his kitchen where he wanted the cupboard to be installed.
Customers requirment:
The customer had 3 requirements,
- The cupboard should have 3 compartments.
- The top two compartments should be fixed and should have a door
- The third should be a trolly of 1-foot height with wheels which he could pull out of the cupboard.
Design of cupboard:
I prepared the design of the cupboard on a notebook and started working on its fabrication. I later made a design of cupboard in SolidWorks.

Initially I made two rectangular compartments with MS sheet with 18 inch width, 21 inch length and 7 inch height.

Later I made a bigger box for the trolly and fitted wheels to the drawer using rivets.

I fixed the two upper compartments to the frame of the cupboard which was made using rectangular pipes from scrap.
For the two compartments I fabricated a door using L angle and welded the doors to the frame.

Once all the fabrication was finished I removed unwanted welding burr using hand grinder.

Finally I painted the cupboard using spray painting and installed it at the customers house.