Mr. |Ankit Panchabhai
Mr. |Ankit Panchabhai is interested in this project. He is looking at the possibility of business with solar desert cooler. Ankit is yet to get resisted for DIC. Ankit is not looking at the possibility of gray water use.
Swami Kalekar: Rice planting machine
An trial for rice planter has been done in the third week of December 2016. The trail results are as follows
China version could not work as number of sapling lifted per delivery was more than 5; max 10. This led to jamming of the machine.
Vigyan Ashram version was able to lift 1 or two saplings per delivery. The sapling were left in slanting position and many resulted not being placed properly.
Post analysis discussions with Rajkur Paygude and Sandeep Shinde and with the team revealed that two actions the arm and back word movement are linked with each other and results in to pull to the rice plant making it semi vertical or horizontal .
The next trail planned on 1 Jan was hence cancelled.
Supriya Kadam : Basundi Maker
The basudi maker is expected to be ready by 5th Jan 2017. The wiper motor perched for this purpose was an second hand motor and needs repair. The version of this machine is expected to work with manual adjustment of price 40.
Dipali Kambale/ Subir: Non-electric Oxygen Enrichment Unit for rural health centers:
- Trail on the first version is complete. Pressure 5 kg and flow 40 m/ lit achieved.
- Issue
- MOC of the wheel continued to be challenge rubber bushing were fixed on the nylon wheel with help of screws. These came out due to stress.
- The frame was modified to reduced vibration. Very tight v belt resulted in high friction. Loosening of the belt resulted in brushing of belt with metal frame. Needs 0.5 mm elevation for compressor as well as bearing .
Suhas Labde:Polyhouse controller / Bio-Dome
- Calibration for air humidity meter done. temperature results are as expected and matching with weather reports form internet. calibration for soil moisture content pending.
- Complete case design.
- Serviceable design.
- Weather proofing is achieved necessary data generation is necessary
Mechanical had is ready with improved code testing is pending. It is expected to be tested in the 1st week of Jan 2017.
Shubham Shembade Ambient temperature dryer
- Two adsorption and re-activation cycle is completed. The re-aactivation cycle was discontinued before complete activation due to at wrong process control.
- Drier with wind turbo-ventilator is under progress
- Dome is identified and cleaned
- Packing of dome is underway
- Silica ordered.
- Ventilator order will be placed in this week.
Action Item: Generate temperature and air flow profile for dome.
Vishwas Shinde New project assigned.: Shredder
Design ready but not shared with Subir or team. Project is facing issue due to non functionality of plasma cutter.
Ganesh Nikhare: New project assigned: MPPT
Objective of project and action items are not clear to Ganesh.
Ameya Kulkani/ Arun Dixit: Bio-drum
The first version of drum was used from 12 oct 1016 to 7 Dec 2016. 37 kg of wet garbage was loaded during this period. The resulted compost was off loaded from drum which weighted 3 kg. New version of drum horizontal and motorized is expected to be commissioned by end of 1st week of Jan 2017.
- Too frequent change in target by Ravi .
- Ordered to procure signal buster is placed. Expected to get booster by 3rd Jan. 2017.
- Expected to get soft copy of pamphlet by 3rd Jan 2017.
- Will approach 5 most probable buyers within a week form 3rd Jan 17.
- Parallel working on remote control for Agriculture watering pumps.