The black soldier fly ,is a common and wide sprayed fly of the family Stratiomidae.It is useful for recycling organic waste and generating animal feed.An adult female lays approximately 200 to 600 eggs at time.Black soldier fly larvae are an alternative source of protein for aquaculture ,animal feed ,pet food .The larvae are produced and processed in industrial scale.


I had meeting with Dixit sir, Prasad sir and Abhijit sir during this they explain me about BSF chamber ,how to construct and necessary additions in old chamber .After that I was observed old uncompleted chamber taken the measurements and Start to repair this chamber.


I repair the chamber by using silicon for stick the net to wooden structure. After cleaning the chamber i was taken measurements and starts cutting insulation sheet


Cutting the insulation sheet and attach to chamber structure with glue.There we cut the portion where we connect the exhaust fan and cooling pad to maintain the tempreture and humidity.


The 1*1 foot cooling pad is connected to one side of the chamber and AC fan (100CFm) is adjusted to pull out the cool air from pad to inside the chamber. By this adjustment we can maintain tempreture . Continuous water supply given to cooling pad and water collected after fall down from pad and again use this water to decrease the tempreture of pad



Upper side of the chamber was not closed to check the sun light effect under chamber .After completion of insulation ,water supply system connection we connect data logger inside the chamber for taking readings of tempreture and humidity.


After connection of data logger head in front of the exhaust fan i was taking reading of temperature and humidity and water continuously in bucket after 1 hour 15 litre. we taken readings of chamber by 1 minute gap.


I found a leakage of water inside the chamber on net of chamber. I was pack the leakage and get observations better than previous readind but not temperature maintained .


We disscussed with Abhijeet sir and I connected 2 LED lamps of 50 watts inside the chamber and upper surface of chamber was closed.I Taken readings of the chamber. Differnece between outer and inner temperature is near 3 degree is not sufficiant.


Meet with Dixit sir, Prasad sir and Abhijeet sir and disscussed about chamber.In this discussion mathematical calculations of intensity of light temperatute effect and humidity .Conclusion of this meeting is cooler addition inside the chamber and taking readings without sunlight,taking reading with LED as well ast aking readings with sunlight .


I keep the cooler inside BSF chamber with water .Its weight with water is 27100 kg .First ten readings with cooler and upper surface is closed and fan pad system is off .At this condition temperature is nearly about 27 degrees and humidity is 68 percent .After that i taken readings with starting exhaust fan for 1 minute after five minute .At that time outer temperature is 36 degrees and inner temperatureis 28 degrees.


I Taken readings with staring exhaust fan,cooler, cooling pad and also the LED .the temperature is nearly 25 to 26 degrees and humidity 70 to75 percent


Today I combine all data in excel sheet and talk With Dixit sir about chamber disscussed next improvement inside the chamber