The most well-known MIT app is likely referring to MIT App Inventor.
MIT App Inventor is a visual programming environment that allows users to build Android apps without having to write any code. It uses a block-based system, where users drag and drop blocks to represent different parts of their app’s functionality. This makes it a great tool for beginners who are just learning about programming, or for anyone who wants to create a simple app without having to learn a complex programming language.
नवीन विंडोमध्ये उघडते
MIT App Inventor
Here are some of the things you can do with MIT App Inventor:
- Create apps that use sensors, such as the camera, accelerometer, or GPS
- Design user interfaces with buttons, text boxes, and images
- Store data in a database
- Connect to web services
MIT App Inventor is a free tool that can be used by anyone. There are a number of resources available online to help you learn how to use it, including tutorials, documentation, and sample apps.
How to make an MIT app ?
Open the google chrome

And search to MIT app Inventor

open the MIT APP softwere

click on create App

Next add to button On Screen First

Drage it on the screen And Rename it as NEXT

Next click on image and Drage on screen and uplode the image

select the next screen

same for all 5 screen
1]First click on button Text and drage it on screen and Rename it as NEXT
2]Second click on Image Text and drage it on Screen and Uplode the Image
3]Third click in Screen and Add the screen
After completing Design click on Blog

Click on Button and Drag the Blog given below

Click on Control Text and and Drag the Blog given in image

Next change it to Screen 2

Next same Blogs for All Screen.After Completing
App Click on Build.And Save It

For Instaling this App on Your Mobile Downlode The APP shown in the Image from PLAYSTORE on your Mobile

After Starting App Click On Scan QR Code

Scan the Code and Install the app .