Visit Report: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Project Details:

  • Project Name: E-Cart-based Sugarcane Juicer Machine
  • Reason for Visit: Evaluation of E-Cart based Sugarcane Juicer Machine
  • Date: 12/12/2023 & 15/12/2023


  • Representative: Vigyan Ashram (Mahesh Shinde)
  • Host: Nitin Krishan
  • Academic Participants: Prof. Jamkhundi and Prof. Venkatesh 

Travel Details:

  • 12/12/2023: Traveled from Pune to Bangalore by plane
  • 15/12/2023: Traveled from Bangalore to Kolhapur by plane

Agenda and Activities:

Day 1: 13/12/2023

  • The Vigyan Ashram representative provided comprehensive information on the E-Cart-based Sugarcane Juicer Machine project.
  • Discussions included details on cooling time for a specific juice amount, associated costs, and battery charging time.
  • Meetings with Prof. Jamkhundi and Prof. Venkatesh to discuss design considerations for the E-Cart project.
  • Exploration of various projects within Vigyan Ashram, focusing on conceptualization considering technical and user perspectives.
  • Introduction to Vigyan Ashram, highlighting ongoing projects.


  • Checked battery charging percentage of rickshaws and juice machines.
  • Applied necessary charging and prepared for the presentation.

Day 2: 14/12/2023

  • Cleaned the rickshaw for evaluation, and purchased lemon, salt, ginger, ice, and glasses from the market.
  • Tested the juicer, identified a damaged cold juice pipe, promptly replaced it, and checked for potential leakage.
  • Positioned the rickshaw on a flat surface for the evolution team’s evaluation.
  • Niteen and I provided a comprehensive briefing on the entire project.


  • Informed the evolution team about the project and conducted a demo, offering both cold and normal juice testing.
  • Addressed various questions during the Q&A session, covering topics such as chilling time, flow rate, battery charging durations, and associated costs.
  • The evolution team awarded 35 out of 40 marks for this project, indicating a successful prototype.
