On 7th September 2023 Me and Pranay sir met Machindra Zodage sir and discussed about Hydraulic ladder.
Machindra Zodage sir is a farmer. They cultivate Jamun. They harvest Jamun by using 15 feet ladder but trees are too big ( Upto 30-40 feet ). They can’t harvest all Jamuns because of short ladder height. Therefore they want hydaulic ladder of 30 feet height.
On 12th september 2023 I met Machindra sir’s brother Sudev Zodage sir and discussed about Hydraulic ladder. Then I showed them some pictures of Hydraulic lift and also discussed about its price.
Fig. : Field visit
Their Requirements
Ladder should have 30 feet height.
Ladder should have ability to handle 2 peoples weight.
Ladder should operate on Tractor hydraulic system.
Ladder should moveable in field.
The price of ladder should be less than 50 thousand.
Other Information
Tractor Information :
Mahindra 245 DI Orchard
Tractor power : 24 HP
Maximum PTO : 20.4 HP
Maximum lifting capacity : 1000 kg
Tractor length : 2900 mm
Tractor width : 1092 mm
Field Information :
Total area : 1.5 Acre
Number of trees : 130
Distance between two trees : 20*20 feet
Area covered by each tree : 38 square metre
Other Information :
Cost required to harvest in each season : 2.5 Lakh
Price of 1 kg Jamun : rs400-500/-
Jamun which can’t harvest : 10-12 kg (each tree)
3D Printing
Tinkercad and Autodesk fusion 360 software used for design. By using flash printer file format converted from .sat to .GX. 3D printer used to print design.3D printer was used to print design.
Step 1 : The first step in 3D printing is to develop a design using any software; this phase was taught using the designing programme Tinkercad and Autodesk fusion 360. I used Tinkercad and Autodesk fusion 360 to create an original and creative 3D design that is new and suitable for 3D printing.
Step 2 : In the second step I learnt how to export the intended file type as a .stl and open that file in any slicing programme, such as fracktory. Later, I understood the idea of slicing an object in any slicing software and providing the printed object any infill pattern with infill density.
Laser cutting
Laser cutting is a technology that uses a laser to vaporize materials, resulting in a cut edge. While typically used for industrial manufacturing applications, it is now used by schools, small businesses, architecture, and hobbyists. Laser cutting works by directing the output of a high-power laser most commonly through optics. The laser optics and CNC (computer numerical control) are used to direct the laser beam to the material. A commercial laser for cutting materials uses a motion control system to follow a CNC or G-code of the pattern to be cut onto the material. The focused laser beam is directed at the material, which then either melts, burns, vaporizes away, or is blown away by a jet of gas, leaving an edge with a high-quality surface finish.
Step 1 : Keychains designed by using coreldraw software.
Step 2 : Laser cutter was used to make keychains.
Tissue culture
Prepared the 1 litre Media by using 4 stock solution , 0.8% agar powder,30 g sucrose, 100 mg myoinositol and water.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Take all stock solution in flask as per measurement
Step 2 : Add 100mg mynosyitol .
Step 3 : Add 3o gm sucrose.
Step 4 : Add distill water Mix it well.
Step 5 : check Ph of Media if Ph is less than 5.8 then maintain it by using NaOH .
Step 6 : Add 8 gm Agar.
Step 7 : Now heat the media on flame till the agar gets completely dissolved .
Step 8 : Now pour the media into bottles and autoclave it.
Soil testing
Attended 1 day soil testing workshop where i learned about testing of soil. In which we tested pH, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and organic carbon of soil. We tested soil to understand how many fertilizer application required to soyabean crop.
Procedure for soil pH test :
Take reagent pH-1 in Test Bottles NO .1 up to 5 ml.
Add 2 flat spoonful of soil (2 gm ) in the test bottles no.1 with the help of funnel .
Put cap and mix by gentle inversion for one minute .( Do not shake vigorously .mix for one minutes only ) Allow the bottles to stand for 10 minutes .soil will settles &sepetate to leave clear liquid layer on the top .
Insert the pH colour chart in the Comparator unit .Now the pH colour comparator can be used for matching of pH test colour.
Place the bottles no.1 in pH COLOUR CAMPARATOR and match the colour of top liquid layer with colours on the camparator.
Procedure for Organic carbon :
Using 100 mg. spoon , take one spoonful (100mg) of finely ground soil in test bottle no. 1.
To the bottle no.1, add 0.5ml. of reagent OC-1with the help of 1ml. Green coloured syringe .
To the bottle No. 1,add 80 drops of reagent OC-2 and mix by gentle swirling. put cap . wait for 30 minutes.
Add reagent OC-3 to make the level in bottle No.1 up to 5ml. mark. Mix by gentle Swirling Allow the bottle to stand for 5 minutes. soil will settle & separate to leave clear liquid layer on the top.
Insert the organic carbon colour chart in the comparator unit.
now the organic carbon colour comparator can be used for matching organic carbon test colour
place the bottle in organic colour comparator and match the colour of top liquid layer with the colour slots on comparator by holding the comparator against day light.
Procedure for Nitrogen :
Take in test bottle no.1, Nitrogen reagent AN-1 up to 6ml. mark.
Using funnel, add one flat spoonful of soil(1gm.) in Test bottle No.1.
In clean bottle No.2,carefully transfer 2ml of upper clear liquid from bottle No.1, using dropper.
To the Test bottle No.2, add 4 drops of reagent AN-2. & mix gently.
To the bottle No. 2, add 4 drops of reagent AN-3, put cap & mix gently. Wait for 5 minutes
Insert the Available Nitrogen colour chart in the comparator unit. Now the nitrogen colour comparator can be used for matching Available Nitrogen test colour.
After 5 minute , mix gently & place the bottle in nitrogen colour comparator & match colour the bottle with colours on comparator
Read the available Nitrogen directly on comparator .
Procedure for Phosphorous :
Take in the Test bottle No. 1, phosphorous Reagent AP-1 up to 6ml. mark.
Using funnel, add one flat spoonful(1gm.) of soil in Test bottle No. 1
Put cap and mix by gentle inversion for one minute. allow the bottle to stand for 5 minutes. Soil will settle & separate to leave clear liquid layer on the top.
Carefully draw upper clear liquid in dropper and transfer the same to test bottle No.2 to make level up to 3 ml. mark.
To 3ml. liquid in bottle No. 2, add 6 drop of phosphorus reagent AP- 2 and mix gently by swirling. Add 3 drop of reagent AP-3. Put cap and mix well. Blue colour will develop in bottle no. 2
Insert the available Phosphorus colour chart in the comparator unit. Now the Phosphorus colour comparator can be used for matching of Available Phosphorus test colour.
Place the bottle in phosphorous colour comparator & match the colour of bottle with the colours on Phosphorous colour comparator can be used for matching of Available Phosphorus test colour.
Procedure for Potassium :
Take in the bottle No. 1, Potassium reagent AK-1 upto6ml.mark.
Using funnel, add two flat spoonful (2gm.) of soil in Test bottle No.1
Put cap and mix by gently inversion for one minute. allow the bottle to stand for 5 minutes. Soil will settle & separate to leave to leave clear liquid layer on the top.
Carefully drop upper liquid in dropper and transfer the same to another clean bottle No. 2, to make level up to 2ml. Mark.
To 2ml. liquid in bottle No. 2, add one tablet of potassium reagent AK- 2 do not put cap. Mix by swirling. Allow tablet to dissolve completely. Mix by swirling intermittently to assist dissolution (it may take 5-6 minutes to dissolve the tablet completely) .Add AK-3 then Purple colour will develop in bottle No. 2, proceed further only after complete dissolution of tablet.
Take potassium reagent AK-4 in the 1ml syringe. Add reagent AK-4 to bottle No. 2, two drops at a time, and mix gently after each addition keep count of drops and continue addition until colour changes from purple to blue. Count the no. of drops of reagent AK-4 required for colour change.
Use red coloured 1ml. Syringe for taking potassium.
Conclusion : I Learned how to do testing soil pH , potassium(k), Nitrogen(N) , Phosphorous(P) ,Organic Carbon (OC ).
Lemon squash making
Learned about how to make lemon squash and pav. We made lemon swatch of 4 kg lemons and made pav for next day breakfast.
Procedure for Lemon squash :
Take 4kg Lemon. With a lemon squeezer or press, extract juice from lemon.
Remove the seeds from juice by using strainer.
Make sugar syrup by using water and sugar. Keep the sugar water solution on a low heat. stir so that the sugar dissolves.
Now add the lemon juice to sugar syrup.
Exhaust fan fitting
Exhaust fan fitted to dome dryer.
To remove or maintain humidity exhaust fan was fitted.
Curd machine
Made curd machine for kitchen use.
Previous heater was damaged due to overheating therefore I made new curd maker.
Componets of curd machine
Insulated ice box
Temperature controller
Water heater
Steel bowl stands
Insulated ice box : Heater is fitted inside the box. This box is use to keep water and curd bowl
Temperature controller: It is use to maintain water temperature upto 40 degree celsius.
Water heater: It is use for heating.
Steel bowl stands : It is use to keep curd bowl.
Working :
Step 1:- Take a insulated ice box.
Step 2:- Mark the hole for mounting heater on the side wall of Box and Cut the hole with the help of drill machine.
Step 3:- Connect the Heater with proper insulation and sealing agent with the wall of Heater.
Step 4:- Now Put the Gen Pan in the Compartment and mark the point where its border match with the wall of Box, so that we can attach the tray holder.
Step 5:- Made the connection of the heater with temperature controller and Test It.
Step 6:- Set the Temp of the controller at 40 degree Celsius.
Step 7:- Insert the Thermocouple inside the Compartment by drilling a hole, and mount the sensor near the gen pan mounting.
Your system is now ready it will look like this after completing all the connections.
Conclusion :
Making curd at home can be a rewarding and delicious experience. By following proper hygiene practices, monitoring temperature, and using fresh ingredients, you can enjoy a batch of creamy and tangy homemade curd. With our modified curd maker, you can say goodbye to concerns about curd not setting properly, curd turning out too sour or watery, or dealing with inconsistent results. Our curd maker is meticulously engineered to provide you with a reliable and efficient way to make curd that meets your exacting standards.