The goal of the project is to install the incinerator controller for the NAPATE foundation.
8/ JUL /2023
In the previous incinerator, there was an issue with the burner of the pad not burning properly, and the alignment needed to be adjusted. That’s why a new student is working on the project for the incinerator. They conducted various tests and trials for the burner, shown in a video.
18/Aug /2023
During the trials, we also fixed any leaks. Following that, our supervisor assigned me the task of replacing the SMPS in the controller. After conducting trials on the incinerator, we discovered that the SMPS (Switched-Mode Power Supply) in the controller, which controls the timing and duration of the flame, is not functioning properly. That’s why we replaced the old SMPS with a new one on the controller.

old smps
6/ Sep /2023
After installing the new SMPS, the controller was working correctly. Following that, I was assigned the task of placing the controller at the NAPATE foundation where the burner setup was previously done.
I left for the Ashram at 9:00 AM and arrived there at 1:00 PM. After that, I began installing the controller and making electrical connections. address of that foundation .
While installing the controller, I noticed that it was producing excessive fumes that escaped from the enclosure. To address this, I adjusted the flame controller wall and then retested it to see if the issue was resolved.
After the complete burning of pads.
After completing all the tests, I needed to double-check to ensure there were no leaks. To do this, I closed all the valves and turned off the electrical connections for safety.
I finished my task.