To ensure the working and maintenance of solar panel in Vigyan Ashram. we took a survey and collected data of how much energy generated by the solar cell and how much it consumed. After consumption how much energy is left which we can use for heat generation or some other application. In this data we collect some information about solar panels which include power generation rate, quantity of solar panel, batteries used for it, their application and energy consumption. And also made a rough map of solar panel in Vigyan Ashram. The of map solar panel in Vigyan ashram shown in fig.1 and in fig.2 we gives detailed information about this data collection.

Fig .1 Map of Solar panel in Vigyan ashram.

Fig.2 chart of data collection
All solar panels are in working and well maintained except solar panel at right side of the poly house which is used for grey water bubbling system.
After collecting this data we discussed it with Dixit sir. During this discussion we conclude that our data is incomplete. For obtaining energy power consumption of appliances which are working on these solar panel, we need to collected data of how much energy the solar panel-powered appliances required to work and how long they used it(working hour). Further the collection of this data , we used it to calculate energy consumption by the appliances per hour. In following chart we shows energy consumption per hour.

Fig.3 Chart of data collection Energy consumption.
From the above observation we understand that the solar water pump runs only for one hour a day and the solar system designed for it collects 1200 watts of power per hour and the pump consumes only 1119watts of power. when the pump stop working the panel also stop working it means that the next energy generated will not be used. so we have to think on it how to use this energy for heat generation or other application.
After this we move towards the calculation of energy consumption in the workshop but we had some difficulties in it. Then we went to Dixit sir to solve this problem, he told us that for effective energy consumption calculation, if we calculate how long the battery lasts by charging i.e. discharging time of battery and also the charging time of battery . Then we will soon come to the right conclusion.