Curd, also known as yogurt, is a versatile and nutritious dairy product that has been consumed for centuries. It is made by fermenting milk with the help of bacteria, which convert the lactose in milk into lactic acid, giving curd its distinctive tangy taste and creamy texture. Making curd at home is not only cost-effective, but it also allows you to control the quality and freshness of the ingredients.
Problem Statement
While making curd at home or kitchen is a relatively straightforward process, there are a few common problems that you may encounter such as Curd not setting, Curd turning out sour or overly tangy, Curd turning out too thin or watery, Contamination or spoilage.
To overcome the challenges of making curd at home and ensure high-quality, consistent results every day, we have developed a state-of-the-art curd maker with an impressive capacity of 25 liters. Our innovative curd maker is not only designed to make the curd-making process a breeze, but it is also energy-efficient, minimizing your environmental impact while maximizing your culinary success.
Curd making machine is the best invention for the dairy farms, Mega Kitchen, Hotels and Food Processing units as this machine can help the end user to make the curd instantly.
This machine has the inbuilt container with different capacities and the long electronic cord that automatically gets heat-up and maintain the equilibrium condition suitable for Good bacteria growth in order to produced Curd from Milk. It is amazing product and have capacity for making curd in large quantity in the hygienic conditions, lesser time along with retaining its quality.
Lets See How to make a Curd Maker:-
Material Required:-
- Insulated Ice Box 65 L Capacity
- Immersion Water Heater
- Temperature Controller
- Gen Pan 25L for Storing Curd
Step 1:- Take a insulated ice box 65 liters capacity
Step 2:- Mark the hole for mounting heater on the side wall of Box and Cut the hole with the help of drill machine
Step 3:- Connect the Heater with proper insulation and sealing agent with the wall of Heater.
Step 4:- Now Put the Gen Pan in the Compartment and mark the point where its border match with the wall of Box, so that we can attach the tray holder.
Note:- While purchasing the Gen Pan verify whether it fits properly in the Ice Box.
It is recommended to purchase a Stainless Steel Food Grade Pan to avoid metal reaction within the compartment.
Step 5:- Made the connection of the heater with temperature controller and Test It
Step 6:- Set the Temp of the controller at 40 degree Celsius. The procedure for setting the the controller is provided in this link
Step 7:- Insert the Thermocouple inside the Compartment by drilling a hole, and mount the sensor near the gen pan mounting.
Your system is now ready it will look like this after completing all the connections.
Making curd at home can be a rewarding and delicious experience. By following proper hygiene practices, monitoring temperature, and using fresh ingredients, you can enjoy a batch of creamy and tangy homemade curd. With our modified curd maker, you can say goodbye to concerns about curd not setting properly, curd turning out too sour or watery, or dealing with inconsistent results. Our curd maker is meticulously engineered to provide you with a reliable and efficient way to make curd that meets your exacting standards. Happy Curd Making !