What Is Grey- Water System?:
There are two kinds of domestic waste water – black water and grey water. Black water is the one which is released from the toilets whereas grey water is from the bathroom & from the kitchen.
The amount of grey water generated depends on the
individual’s consumption of freshwater. The water used for washing hands, vegetables, and dishes or even for
bathing can easily be recycled to bridge the ever increasing demand and supply gap.
Usually our houses are built in a way that black water grey water get mixed. To avoid this, separate
pipelines are needed to isolate the discharge of both these kinds of waste water.While the black water can go into the drain, grey
water pipe can be diverted to a small sludge tank where all such water gets collected.While water from the bathroom will contain things like hair, oil, and soap sediments, water from the kitchen sink might have small quantities of food items like rice, lentils or other such contents.
How System Works?
Once grey water is collected separately, the next step is to pass through reed beds for filtration. After the filtration process, grey water is collected in the storage tank and is given excessive bubbling. After this process grey water is fit to be used for gardening
or flushing purposes
- To re-install the previous system in proper way.
- To regulate the system.
Step By Step Installation Chart:

29 SEP.2022
Visit To Spot of Installation
- We visited the Grey water system of “Mukhai High school” which was not under working.
- we wanted to reinstall and regulate the system, hence we investigated all thing which were required for regulation of system.
- After this visit i found that, we need to clean and have to do proper plumbing and re-establish the system in proper order.

30 SEP.2022
Availability Of Materials
- We collected all the materials which will need to regulate the grey water system.
- we got some old materials which are needed
- PUMP(0.25Hp) – 1
- FOOT VALVE (1.5”) -1
- PVC PIPE 1.5” inches.-1

1 OCT. 2022
- We made list of materials which are needed, other than the material we have.
- For the selection of materials I referred the “Manual For Grey Water By Vigyan Ashram”.( given below page.no.7)
List Of Materials:
1) | 1 inch. nipple | 1 | yes |
2) | 100 lit. loft tank | 1 | yes |
3) | 2 inch. elbow | 2 | yes |
4) | 2 inch pipe(100mm) | 4 | No |
5) | 2 inch pipe (300mm) | 2 | No |
6) | Air pump | 1 | Yes |
7) | AirOxi spider | 1 | Yes |
8) | Baffell | 2 | Yes |
9) | Ball valve (1.5”) | 2 | Yes |
10) | collar(2”) | 5 | Yes |
11) | collar(1”) | 1 | Yes |
12) | collar(1.5”) | 2 | Yes |
13) | Elbow(DIN8063) 90DEG.TYPE W1 | 3 | Yes |
14) | End cap(3”) | 2 | No |
15) | FTA(2”) | 9 | Yes |
16) | FTA(1”) | 2 | Yes |
17) | FTA(1.5”) | 2 | Yes |
18) | Flexible pipe | 3 | 2 |
19) | G.I. nipple | 2 | Yes |
20) | Hoseclip | 3 | yes |
21) | IBC | 4 | yes |
22) | MTA(1”) | 4 | yes |
23) | PVC Pipe (100mm) | 2 | no |
24) | PVC pipe( 100mm)(1”) | 1 | no |
25) | PVC pipe(150mm)(2”) | 1 | no |
26) | PVC pipe (200mm)(1”) | 1 | no |
27) | PVC pipe (250mm) ( 1”) | 2 | no |
28) | PVC pipe (300mm)(1”) | 2 | no |
29) | PVC pipe (400mm)(1”) | 1 | no |
30) | Pump(0.25Hp) | 1 | yes |
31) | Rubber washer (2″) | 10 | yes |
32) | Rubber washer(1”) | 2 | yes |
33) | Rubber washer (1.5”) | 4 | yes |
34) | stand | Yes | |
35) | Tank nipple (1”) | 1 | yes |
36) | Tank nipple (1.5”) | 2 | yes |
37) | Tank nipple(2”) | 5 | yes |
38) | Tube 375*049Tube1-1000 lit Grey water ststem 003-1 | 1 | Yes |
39) | hhs(grade c) | 2 | Yes |
40) | tank | 1 | Yes |
3 OCT. 2022
- We were needed to clean all the tanks of system and also to clean the place
- students of IBT from 10th standards and we cleaned system.
- We cleaned all tanks and removed all weeds from that place.
Step 1
- we first removed all old arrangement of system which were not in working for long time, and also cleaned the spot.
- Then we arranged the ground in proper elevation .

Step 2
- We arranged all tanks in proper manner and elevation as they needed to be install.
- IBC1, IBC2,IBC3,IBC4 this tanks are of 500 lit. capacity

4 OCT. 2022
Step 2 to step 6
Making Of Reed Bed Of Bricks And Plumbing Work
- We collected all remaining materials which were needed and not available.
- First we filled all 4 tanks with small pieces of bricks as reed bed in particular amount,in such way that water should also properly sucked by it
- For this work I.B.T students of 10th standard and we togetherly worked.

4. After filling of bricks we poured some water in all IBC’S on bricks pieces.
5. We started plumbing or pipe connections in the system.
6. first we connected all IBC’S connections together ,

7. After the plumbing we did connections of motor and electricity
Step 7 To Step 9
Electrical Connections Of Motor, AirOxy Spider- Bubbler, Air-Pump
. @mahesh-shinde and me did 0.25Hp motor connections and air pump connections .

Activation Of System
- After fixing the pipes and motor connections, we filled all tanks with waste water.
- 2.We put colocasia (Alu) plants in all IBC’s tanks
- The system is now Active.