Hello and welcome to my blog!
This task was given by Mr. Prathmesh Darwade Sir. The task was to replicate this project by referring existing work done by Mukesh Basvekar and Nachiket Admane.
Blog link of Nachiket and Mukesh work: http://vadic.vigyanashram.blog/2021/08/13/smart-attendance-management-system/http://vadic.vigyanashram.blog/2021/01/29/biometric-attendance-system-using-opencv-and-python/ There is some gap between my work and their work.
Firstly I started with my work by installing python.3.10.0 and also you can work with latest version.
Then I have installed latest version of Pycharm IDE.
Moving forward I have installed packages which was needed for this project. I installed CMake, Face_recognition, dlib, openCV, pyshine, time, os, numpy. This packages I have installed by clicking on Settings >> python interpreter >> search above packages.
Then moving forward I have referred the below logic while writing the program.

I got stuck while installing cMake and dlib packages. Then wondering here and there I got solution. I installed the Visual Studio because this libraries are made with C and C++ languages.
Here is the code which I have made by referring mukesh blog.
Successfully run the code by overcome all the all the challenges and errors.

Then its time to create dataset. I have taken photos of `staff and students of Vigyan Ashram . Around 32 images stored of different people in dataset.

Its time to test our system While testing the system the encoding time was 7 minutes. The specification of PC was 4 gb RAM and I3 processor. Because of this one pc lagging somewhere.
For 1 whole day 1 CSV(comma separated file) is created. The file created with date , time and name of person.

At function Dr. S. S. Kalbag jayanti successfully demonstrated and showed our system to all guest. I have received good response and suggestion from students as guest.

Thank you for visiting my blog.