14th Aug 2022
Activity 7th conducted at 16th August 2022.
Hello and Welcome to my blog. As a fab school intern I have conducted 7th activity for 8th standard students of Late shri. Ramrao Genuji Palande High School, Mukhai. The name of activity was “Soil Moisture Detector using Arduino”. In previous activities student are familiar with arduino and sensors. In this activity students are going to deal with basic electronic components like led and moisture detector sensor.
Firstly I have given the brief introduction of components and sensor which were used in activities then I demonstrated activity in front of students with good explanation. In this activity the task was to glow green LED (Light Emitting Diode) if moisture is present in plant if it is not then glow red LED.
Required Material:-
- Arduino Uno
- Led
- Breadboard
- Jumper Wires
- Soil Moisture Sensor
- Arduino IDE
Activity Outcomes:-
- Student will learn about the concept of moisture.
- Student will learn soil moisture sensor.
- Student will learn pin outs of soil moisture sensor.
- Student will learn about the polarity of led and also how to connect with arduino.
- Student will learn about Analog and Digital.

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