Date- 11 jan 2022

Introduction :

Objective : Checking pH, N , P , K , OC , EC of the soil .

Requirements : soil testing kit including all things , soil.

 In manual separate procedure is given for determining pH, OC, EC,N, , P, K,.We followed that procedure and concluded a result.From that result farmer get the actual idea about nutrient content in his soil.


Checking Ph in soil
Checking Nitrogen in soil
Checking Phosphorus in soil
Checking Potassium in soil
Checking OC in soil

Checking Ec

  1. Take 10 ml water in a beaker .
  2. Put 1 gm soil in water.
  3. Mix it well, Let the soil settle down .
  4. By using EC metre check EC OF that soil.

Conclusion :

Finally by this process we know the ph , potassium(k), Nitrogen(N) , Phosphorous(P) ,Organic Carbon (OC ), Electric Conductivity (EC) present in the soil. I have tested 52 soil samples from 11 jan 2022 to 20 jan 2022 by using Prerana kit.