Azolla bed plantation was done.3 azolla beds were made ready for plantation.
- To grow azolla, we are plotting azolla beds having size 12x4x1 feet.
- To plot beds we have to create a plan land to avoid inclination of water at one end.
- To avoid that we give support of rods to that bed so it can tolerate the pressure which is created by water.
- After that we add water , 10 kg soil , fertilizers and 1 kg azolla. and azolla beds are ready to grow azolla.

Soil Testing
Tested 5 soil samples by using Prerana lab. kit pH, Ec ,Nitrogen, Phosphorus , Potassium, OC was determine. Soil testing was done and parameter are determine.
soil test commonly refers to the analysis of a soil sample to determine nutrient content, composition, and other characteristics such as the acidity or pH level
- Gain knowledge about the soil condition and how to improve it. Fertile soils are necessary to grow healthy crops.
- avoid over-fertilizations.
- Avoid soil degradation.

Trials on H2S Vigyan Ashram kit
Different water sample testing by using H2S kit

Took 5 different water sample for testing it shows results that coliforms present in Tap water and drinking Water. | Sample name | Untreated UV water | UV treated water with 5 mins | UV treated water with 10 mins |
1 | Kitchen water | Positive (38 hrs) | negative (48 hrs) | negative (48 hrs) |
2 | Dream House | Positive (48 hrs) | negative (48 hrs) | negative (48 hrs) |
3 | Distilled water | Positive (38 hrs) | Positive (48 hrs) | negative (48 hrs) |
4 | RO water | negative (48 hrs) | Positive (48 hrs) | negative (48 hrs) |
5 | Tap water | Positive (38 hrs) | Positive (48 hrs) | negative (48 hrs) |
Calibration of Flame photometer
Calibration of Calcium, sodium, potassium filter in flame photometer by using standard stock solution.
Flame Photometry works by measuring the intensity of light emitted (measured using a wavelength of a colour) when the element is exposed to a Flame.
there are four basic components of Flame Photometer – a flame, nebulizer and mixing chamber, colour filters, and a photo detector.

Soil Testing:
Tested 5 soil samples by using Prerana lab. kit Ph., Ec ,Nitrogen, Sodium, Potassium, OC was determine. Soil testing was done and parameter are determine.

Preparation for NA ( Nutrient Agar)
Media preparation for NA then autoclave for 121 degree Celsius for 15 min and pouring the media under Laminar Air flow
Use of nutrient agar- Nutrient Agar is used for the cultivation of bacteria and for the enumeration of organisms in water, sewage, feces and other materials.
Nutrient agar provides these resources for many types of microbes, from fungi like yeast and mold to common bacteria such as Streptococcus and Staphylococcus.

H2S strip preparation
Different trials on different type of paper for H2S water sample kit

Estimation of organic carbon
To estimate organic carbon from soil, I had used Walkley black method.
Estimates of organic carbon are used to assess the amount of organic matter in soil. organic matter contributes to nutrient retention, soil structure, water holding capacity.
- If soil having 0.0 to 0.9 % then it means soil have low OC content.
- If soil having 1.0 to 2.0% then it means soil have moderate OC content.
- If soil having greater than 2.0% then it means soil have high OC content.
This method is standardize by Hrishikesh Varadkar in Vigyan Ashram.

Nitrogen estimation in Bhaji sample by kjeldals Method.
We are trying to prove that Bhaji is nutritious food than glucose biscuits.
Assisted hrishikesh in estimation of Nitrogen.
This Process is carried out in two trials.
Some problems were identified such as interference of oily substances was observed to overcome this problem
first trial was done
In this trial use tissue paper for soaking excess oil present in Bhaji sample.

Nitrogen content in Bhaji sample was 5.45
Fish Feeding
- Aim-
- We are trying to bring Azolla in our food chain.
- Azolla have high contain of protein.
- It is difficult to digest because of high lignin contain.
- We are trying this experiment on Koi fish
- We are taking trials on Azolla by boiling and Fermenting it.

Determination of Hardness of water samples :-
- Hardness in water is due to the presence of dissolved salts of calcium and magnesium.
- It is unfit for drinking, bathing, washing and it also forms scales in boilers.
- it is necessary to estimate the amount of hardness producing substances present in the water sample. Once it is estimated, the amount of chemicals required for the treatment of water can be calculated.
- The estimation of hardness is based on complexo metric titration.
Total hardness :-
- Hardness is most commonly expressed as milligrams of calcium carbonate equivalent per liter.
- Water containing calcium carbonate at concentrations below 60 mg/l is generally considered as soft; 60–120 mg/l, moderately hard; 120–180 mg/l, hard; and more than 180 mg/l, very hard.
Procedure :-

Formula of total hardness :-

Estimation of Permanent Hardness:-
Permanent hardness of water is caused by the salts of calcium and magnesium sulphate. It therefore cannot be removed by simple method.
Procedure :-

Formula of total hardness :-

Temporary Hardness
The temporary hardness is calculated from the total and permanent hardness.
Temporary Hardness = Total Hardness – Permanent Hardness

LOD ( Loss on drying ) (20/09/2021)
- A method commonly used for moisture content determination is the loss-on-drying method,
- LOD on the other hand, measures the total change in weight of a material as a result of drying.
- For some products, components such as alcohol or fat evaporate with the water. Therefore, the LOD method measures both the water and volatile impurities.
- Temperature – 105 degree Celsius for 3 hrs.
- Loss on Drying the drying conditions are strictly specified.
- The difference in weight after drying is due to the loss of all evaporated matter,
- which is taken to represent the moisture content.
- Repeatability and accuracy of this method solely depend up on the temperature and time controls adopted during testing.
- Take Initial weight of sample.

- process will be continue until similar readings came.

Formula :–

Calcium determination from Poultry manure (25/09/2021)
Preparation of extract
- Weigh 50 grams of dried poultry manure and add 200 ml of 40% ethanol to it .
- Filter the mixture and discard the filtrate and add ammonium acetate solution to it .
- Incubate the mixture overnight and use it as extract .
- pipette out 10-20 ml extract and dilute with 20-30 ml D/W
- Add 2-3 ml Sodium hydroxide solution and 50 mg muroxide indicator
- titrate with 0.01 N EDTA and end point will be Red to Purple

Result –
- Calcium is high in given sample.
- The results were failed color will not change
- Need to dilute sample for accurate result.
Study the morphology of Trichoderma (27/09/2021)
What is Trichoderma-
- Trichoderma spp. are ubiquitous colonizers of cellulosic materials and can thus often be found wherever decaying plant material is available as well as in the rhizosphere of plants.
- they can induce systemic resistance against pathogens.
- Antagonistic fungal colony had key characteristics.
- That can be used to identify them as Trichoderma.

Activation of LED azolla dome (2/10/2021)
To check the light intensity of light on growth of Azolla we are growing Azolla in a dark room where we supply artificial light with know intensity .
Increasing the light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis, until some other factor – a limiting factor – becomes in short supply. At very high light intensities, photosynthesis is slowed and then inhibited, but these light intensities do not occur in nature.

Preparation of PDA
- Potato Dextrose Agar, often notated as PDA, is a common microbial growth media made from an infusion of potato and dextrose.
- It is one of the most widely used media for growing fungi and bacteria.
- Potato Dextrose agar is recommended for the selective isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds from dairy and other food products.
- Suspend 39 grams in 1000 ml distilled water.
- Heat to boiling to dissolve the medium completely.
- Sterilize by autoclaving at 15lbs pressure (121°C) for 15 minutes.
Estimating concentration of Nitrates and Ammonia in fish water :-
- Ammonia and ammonium are converted to nitrite (NO2) by Nitrosomonas bacteria.
- This process requires oxygen, destroys alkalinity, produces acid (H+), and lowers ph. In the second step,
- nitrite (NO2), which is also highly toxic to fish, is converted to nitrate (NO3) by Nitrobacteria bacteria.
- Ammonia is dangerous to fish if allowed to accumulate in fish production systems.
- When ammonia accumulates to toxic levels, fish can not extract energy from feed efficiently.