14/12/2020 Jenson and Nutrient agar media prepration. Fish feed and its data collection 15/12/2020 COD of different inlet water samples of grey water system. media preparation L.B., N.A., PDA. Subculturing of consortia bacteria. 16/12/2020 Fish Wt. for FCR ,daily feed of fish. 17/12/2020 Lab. cleaning Data collection of fish. 18/12/2020 COD of waste water outlet of grey water system. 19/12/2020 Fish wt. for FCR done. 20/12/2020 “Hazop” lecture attend in DIC 22/12/2020 media prepration- Jehnson and PDA 23/12/2020 water testing of kitchen, dream house filters, soil lab.’s tap water 24/12/2020 COD of grey water outlet system media preparation- L.B. and slant make 25/12/2020 Ammonia culture 20lit. with shubham 10/1/2021 Azolla cultivation in different nutrients (Link share- http://vadic.vigyanashram.blog/wp-admin/post.php?post=23830&action=edit) 28/1/2021 50 s0il samples tested of khed comp. and report make. 18/2/2021 10 soil samples tested and azolla dome reading done (link share-https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19ktlmlVOGWboEAxKXUd70dDeuJi_Z18n/edit#gid=320134809) 22/2/2021 Azolla 400gm add in LED azolla dome for growth 1/3/2021 Fish water change and feed them, chicken wt. took SOp of p preparation chemical and but reding not get due to no proper working of spectroscope. 4/3/2021 Azolla LED dome thete is no fast growth of azolla. due to high temp. and it cause azolla slow growth .and it wt. about 500gm 9/3/2021 In LED dome azolla wt. decrease to 460gm therefore we install cooler in dome. water test done of Jivay choudhari for poultry purpose. 12/3/2021 Near dream house azolla 2 bed install with Bed-A 2kg soil 500gm azolla 10gm SSP and KH2PO$, K@So4, MgSO4 as per calculation. KH2PO4 26.76gm/1500lit. ,K2SO4-22gm/1500lit. ,MgSO4-18.41gm/1500lit. and in BED-B 2kg azolla, 3kg soil and Nutrints as same as BED-A. 15/3/2021 fish water change and wt. took fertilizer and biogas slurry add in all azolla bed. Media prepare- N.B. 350ml ,N.A.-350ml. 18/3/2021 Boiler poultry Set install for azolla trial but 10 chick die due to cold temp. and kaveri chicken wt.took and 100 30% dry azoola feed them with normal feed each day. Fish wt. took. 19/3/2021 15chick die due to high temp. Media prepare -N.B. ,N.A. PDA. for plate bacterial culture and slant preparartion and 200ml N.B. broth make for bacterial culture 20/3/2021 all remaining boiler chick die due heat shock PDA media 30 slant make, daily chick and fish feed to both them 21/3/2021 I was on leave from 21/3/2021 to 29/3/2021. 30/3/2021 Fish water change, feed it 80gm azolla and normal feed and soil and water samples of Dhamari village data collect , Kaveri chicken Azolla feed 100gm azolla 30% dry. Spoiled Slant Of PDA media discared