Hydroponics is a type of horticulture and a subset of hydroculture, which is a method of growing plants, usually crops, without soil, by using mineral nutrient solutions in an aqueous solvent.

Vigyan Ashram has designed & developed a hydroponics structure with the help of Dassault System- La Foundation. The objectives of this project are Standardization of hydroponics structure and make a digital design using Solid works software and its various interfaces like Composer and Visualize as well as to make shareable open source D-I-Y design.
Design Concept
Here I draw a rough sketch to understand where is the joints in pipes.
Material Requirement
Before started to make design of hydroponic system. Making part list to design with material,quatity and dimension.
Solidworks Parts
Here I designed Pipes with 11 holes for plating with end Cap.

Here is the screenshot of End cap with hole.

In this design I designed two end cap first is with hole and one is without hole.
For Making this frame I used weldments Command in Solid work.Firsty I draw 3D Sketch and using weldments Cammand.

Here is the design of Top Part in this structure.

I designed T Connector for Joining the Pipes in Centre.

Elbow connector for joining corner Pipes.

Starting the assembly in Solidworks

After Installing hydroponics system, we will Planting Spinach in this system.