Polyhouse is a new developing technology used method of farming in present days. Poly house is made up of Polyethylene sheets used to stabilize the ultraviolet rays and helps in proper photosynthesis in crops. we can protect our crops from any harmful environment such as low humidity or high temperature. There is a facility in Poly house to control temperature or humidity.

The air temperature inside polyhouse through out day is higher than outside & minimum temperature is lower inside than outside. Inside polyhouse itself we can see major temperature gradient at different points.


  • To analyze temperature & humidity datalog inside polyhouse at four different positions.


In Vigyan Ashram polyhouse we do have different kind of plants. For proper growth of plants we adapted method like cooling fan pad system to provide proper climatic conditions.But still we didn’t get optimized results because of temperature gradient inside polyhouse. So to analyze temperature & humidity at different points throughout day & night this project is came into consideration. To get temperature & humidity reading we can use DHT series from market. But these sensor was getting damage after 4-5 days. Temperature sensing was good but humidity sensing was too poor. So we are using DS18B20 temperature sensor which can be work on principle of dry bulb & wet bulb thermometer. And to get real time reading we are using RTC module and for storing data we are using SD card module interfaces with arduino uno.


Sr. No.Material description PriceQuantity
1Arduino uno400Rs1
2SD card module & Memory card350Rs1
3RTC module150Rs1
4Temperature sensor DS18B2095Rs2
5DC power adapter 12V,1A
Image-Block diagram of Temperature & humidity datalogger