The principle of machine milking is to extract milk from the cow by vacuum. The machines are designed to apply a constant vacuum to the end of the teat to suck the milk out and convey it to a suitable container, and to give a periodic squeeze applied externally to the whole of the teat to maintain blood circulation.
The milking machine performs two basic functions. It opens the streak canal through the use of a partial vacuum, allowing the milk to flow out of the teat cistern through a line to a receiving container. It massages the teat, which prevents congestion of blood and lymph in the teat.
Now, dairy owners need not worry about erratic power supply or unscheduled load shedding in summer if they want to adopt modern milking machines. Most dairy owners used to depend on labourers or electric milking machines to get milk from cows or buffaloes at their respective dairy farms.
Now, they can have milking machines operated on solar power, thus minimising power bills and labour cost. The USP of the battery-operated mobile milking machine is elimination of noise. In the absence of power, dairy farmers have to depend on diesel motors to run the milking machines.