Flat Plate Collector Solar Cooker
principle :solar cooking is that sun are converted to heat counducted into cooking.
Formula: CR=At/Arc
At=total collected area
Arc =area of absorber surface
Intial temputure ;Food and ambient
31degree .c
Input=solar radiation intencity*Area Tiffien
Output=solar energy utilised cooking
Q=M*CP*^t/ ^T
Procedure-1) 100 gm water, 100- gm rice,mass Tiffien mass -108
surface area tiffin caluculate= 1ldl
=0.020 m2

Dry weghit of cooked rice 308
Wet weghit of rice after cooking 292
the loss of rice in 7%
Advantage of solar cooker :1) Tested ,sanded , more protein , natural heat cooking method in rice
Disadvantage : very large time cooked in rice, it cannotbe used at only day time,the cooking is slow