The basic objective of the soil-testing is to give farmers a service leading to better and more economic use of fertilizers and better soil management practices for increasing agricultural production. High crop yields cannot be obtained without applying sufficient fertilizers to overcome existing deficiencies.
WE use MRIDAPARIKSHAK kit for soil sample testing.
Organic Carbon (OC)
Procedure for Organic Carbon
- take two glass vials one for soil sample testing and other for blank.
- take 0.5 gm soil with the help of weighing balance in glass vial.
- take one glass vial as blank ( without soil).
- Add 4 ml of solution from reagent Bottle No.4 with help of syringe in both sample.
- Add 8 ml of solution from reagent Bottle no . 5 with the help of 10 ml capacity glass measuring cylinder in both vials.
- Swirl the content for 15 sec and leave for 30 minutes.
- After 30 min , add 38 ml of distilled water with the help of measuring cylinder.
- Filter both the soil sample separately in glass test tubes.
- Collect approx 10 ml of filtrate quickly.
- select the test parameter and take the reading.
Procedure for Nitrogen (N)
- Available nitrogen reading has to be taken immediately after the reading of OC.
- From the main menu of smart soil pro select the soil type and press enter. The Smart soil pro will give the available soil N reading in kg/ha.

Procedure for Phosphrus (P)
- Take two plastic tubes one for soil sample testing and other for blank.
- Take 1 gm soil in 50 ml plastic tube .
- Take an empty 50 ml plastic tube for blank.
- Add pich of powder from Bottle No 6 in both tubes.
- Add 20 ml of solution from bottle no 7.
- shake the test tube for 30 min.
- filter both content in 50 ml plastic tubes.
- take 5 ml of filtrare solution with the help of 5 ml syringe in another 50 ml plastic tube .
- Add 1 ml from reagent bottle no 9
- Add 4 ml of stock solution A.( Stock solution A= 0.26 gm of bottle no 10 + 50 ml of bottle no 11) .
- make up volume to 25 ml with Distilled water.
- Select available p option from main menu of smart soil pro and take reading.

Procedure for Potassium (K)
- Take two plastic tubes one for soil sample testing and other for blank.
- Take 2 g soil with the help of weighing balance in 50 ml plastic tube.
- Take separate 50 ml plastic tube for blank.
- Add 10 ml of solution from bottle no 12 with the help of measuring cylinder in both test tubes.
- Shake the test tubes for 5 min.
- Filter both the content.
- Take 1 ml from both the filtrate in another test tube .
- Add n2 ml of B with the help of 5 ml syringe .
- Add 1 ml of c with the help of 5 ml syringe.
Procedure for pH
- Switch on power button .
- Press menu button twice and long press ENT button for 5-10 seconds. You will enter into calibration process.
- The screen will display Put in 4 pH & menu.
- Dip the probe in bottle no 1 solution .
- press the menu button and will automatically direct you to menu.
Ph measurement
- Weight 10 g soil into 100 ml beaker and add 20 ml of distilled water . Stire for 10 min.
- For analyzing the pH of soil sample sample in smart pro, keep the cursor on pH in main menu and press ent.
Electrical Conductivity (EC)
- Move the cursor on EC option with up/down key And press ENT.
- select farmer
- Wash the probe with distilled water and dip it in bottle no 3 . the reading of 1.40,1.41,1.42 should be displayed.
- Dip the prob in beaker and take reading.