Voice of Customer:
- Customer have problem regarding water supply in their garden that they are not able to maintain the water supply daily or periodically.
- They want such a system which will control the water pump in a way that pump will automatically start daily at specific time for required time and then stop.
Problem statement:
- Existing controller system for water pump (which is the most common system used for this purpose) is malfunctioning.
- The design has to done which can avoid high maintenance components (eg. Sensor) .
- Operation of pump should repeat in specific intervals of time
- Set daily alarm on your mobile and on pump manually.
- Share duty between them to on pump daily.
- Using peace of cotton cloth in bucket of water.
- Using saline bottles.
- Using moisture detecting sensor (existing).
- Using conventional timer.
- Using timer in arduino uno.
Finalized idea and concept:
- System will have switches for different specific time intervals as required in corresponding environmental and other circumstances.
- For this purpose timer using arduino found easy for functioning , further changing requirements and by the view of sustainability.
- 8,12,24 hour time interval provision is decided for rainy, winter, summer season in general case but can have other switches for different intervals as per customers choice which also depends on availability of water.
Sketch up Design and Ink scape design for scaling:

[Prototype, Laser cutting, Presentation]
- Prototype is successfully working and can be used for small garden.
- Further attempts can be made for cost reduction.
- Introduction and Practice on Software’s like Sketch up, Inkscape, Solidworks, Arduino Etc.
- “Jugad concept”, Project management, Importance of documentation.
- Introduction to Laser cutting, 3D printing, Plasma cutting, PCB design etc.