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Title of project –
Lemongrass Oil Distillation.

Responsible Person –
Siddhant Vishwas Said.

Introduction/ Background/Need of Project-
The lemongrass distillation project focuses on extracting essential oil from Cymbopogon (flexuosus, citratus). This oil is widely used in aromatherapy, cosmetics, and traditional medicine.

It involves steam distillation, where steam passes through the plant material, carrying essential oil to a condensation tube, where they condense into liquid form.


  1. High demand in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and food industries.
  2. Known for its antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Promotes sustainable agriculture with low-maintenance crops.
  4. Provides income opportunities for farmers in suitable regions.

Objectives (write point by point) / Idea/ Methodology –

  1. Design high efficient lemongrass distillation unit.
  2. Extract good quality essential oil.
  3. Promote environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

Make high efficient distillation unit & produce good-quality essential oil meeting the growing
global demand for natural products.


  • Design efficient distillation Unit.
  • Purchase & Fabricate the whole distillation system.
  • Test the system by taking Rigorous trials.
  • Set up distillation units near cultivation sites.
  • Extract lemongrass oil.
  • Test oil for purity and compliance with standards.
  • Research to improve techniques and processes.

Client & Funding details –
Dr. Arun Dixit, Ranajeet Shanbhag.

Possible end-users –
Tejas dharave, Amey Kulkarni.

Starting date & Ending date-
24 Jun 2024 to ————.

Lemongrass Oil Distillation Unit

Project Objectives

  1. Design a functional and efficient distillation unit for extracting lemongrass oil.
  2. Source and assemble materials for the distillation unit.
  3. Operate the unit safely and effectively to produce lemongrass oil.
  4. Analyze and store the distilled oil properly.

Step 1: Understanding the Distillation Process

Basics of Steam Distillation

  • Steam distillation is the preferred method for extracting essential oils from plants.
  • The process involves passing steam through plant material, evaporating the essential oils, and then condensing the vapor back into liquid.

Step 2: Designing the Distillation Unit

Components of a Distillation Unit

  1. Boiler: Produces steam.
  2. Distillation Chamber: Holds the plant material.
  3. Condenser: Cools the steam back into liquid.
  4. Separator: Separates the essential oil from the condensed water.

Design Considerations

  • Capacity: Determine the amount of plant material you want to process in each batch.
  • Materials: Use stainless steel or glass for components in contact with the oil to avoid contamination.
  • Safety: Ensure the design includes pressure release valves and sturdy construction to handle high temperatures and pressures.

Step 3: Sourcing Materials


  • Options: Stainless steel pressure cooker or commercial steam generator.
  • Requirements: Must be able to produce consistent steam pressure.

Distillation Chamber

  • Options: Stainless steel or glass container with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Requirements: Large enough to hold the chopped lemongrass, with an inlet for steam and an outlet for vapor.


  • Options: Copper or stainless steel coil, or a commercial condenser.
  • Requirements: Efficiently cools the vapor into liquid.


  • Options: Glass or stainless steel separator funnel.
  • Requirements: Allows easy separation of oil from water based on density differences.

Step 4: Assembling the Distillation Unit

Step-by-Step Assembly

  1. Boiler Setup:
    • Connect the steam outlet of the boiler to the inlet of the distillation chamber using heat-resistant tubing.
  2. Distillation Chamber Setup:
    • Securely fix the lid to the distillation chamber to prevent steam from escaping.
    • Ensure there is an outlet at the top of the chamber connected to the condenser inlet.
  3. Condenser Setup:
    • Position the condenser so that the steam outlet from the distillation chamber feeds into it.
    • Ensure the condenser has adequate cooling, either through air circulation or water cooling.
  4. Separator Setup:
    • Connect the outlet of the condenser to the separator.
    • Position the separator to allow for easy collection of the distilled oil and water.

Step 5: Operating the Distillation Unit


  • Chop the Lemongrass: Cut the harvested lemongrass into small pieces.
  • Load the Chamber: Fill the distillation chamber with the chopped lemongrass.

Distillation Process

  1. Heat the Boiler: Turn on the heat source to produce steam.
  2. Steam Flow: Allow the steam to pass through the distillation chamber, extracting the essential oil.
  3. Condensation: The steam carrying the oil vapor will pass through the condenser and cool into liquid.
  4. Separation: The liquid flows into the separator, where the oil and water separate based on density.

Safety Tips

  • Always monitor the temperature and pressure to prevent accidents.
  • Use heat-resistant gloves and safety goggles during operation.
  • Ensure good ventilation in the workspace to avoid inhaling fumes.

Step 6: Post-Distillation Processing


  • Filter the collected oil to remove any impurities or plant residues.


  • Store the lemongrass oil in dark glass bottles to protect it from light and degradation.
  • Keep the bottles tightly sealed and store them in a cool, dry place.