Identification of Bacteria and Fungus from agricultural decomposition culture

On first day we had prepared Nutrient agar and Potato dextrose agar and petri plates and autoclaved it at 121 °C for 15 min.

NA is used to isolate bacteria and

PDA is used to isolate fungus.

  • Autoclaved media is then placed in UV laminar chamber for 10 min. with other equipment for UV exposure.
  • Off UV light and then proceed.
  • Plates were poured and placed as it is for solidification.
  • After solidification , Agriculture compost culture were inoculate by spread plate technique.
  • incubate plates at 37°C for bacteria 2 days and for fungus 7-8 days .

after 5 days contamination were observed on NA plates and also on PDA plates. because of improper handling and improper autoclaving .

Again follow same process with proper care and autoclaving media.

After 2 days again contamination were observed on NA plates

after 8 days various colonies of fungus were observed, This plates are preserved as mother plates in fridge.

Sub culturing of mother plates

PDA plates were prepared For first sub culturing

single colony were took and striked on PDA by four quadrant method.

we had about 8 different colonies with different color and shape .All these colonies were separately grown in different PDA plates. And incubated a 37°C for 7-8 days.

After 8 days pure colonies were observed. These are also preserved for second sub culturing.

Second Subculturing

  • PDA plates were prepared For second sub culturing single colony were took and strike on PDA by four quadrant method.
  • All these colonies were separately grown in different PDA plates.
  • incubated a 37°C for 7-8 days. After 8 days pure colonies were observed.

Third Sub-Culturing

  • PDA plates were prepared For Third sub culturing.
  • single colony were took and strike on PDA by spot inoculation method.
  • All these colonies were separately grown in different PDA plates.
  • incubated a 37°C for 7-8 days.
  • After 8 days pure colonies were observed.