Media preparation for 50 H2S kit strip
Step-1: Clean the glassware.
Step-2: Dissolve above mentioned chemicals in Distilled water.
Step-3: Stir until powder media is completely soluble in water. Dark Amber colour solution is formed.
Step-4: pH should be maintained between 6.5 to 7.2
Step-5 Autoclave the media at 121°C for 15-20 minutes
Preparation of Bottle:
1.Take 30 ml new 50 plastic bottles
2.open the caps of bottle and keep in hot air oven at 55-60°C for 20 minutes
3.Sterile the bottles using Laminar Air Flow for 1 hrs.It helps to prevent Bacterial contamination.
Preparation of 50 strips
1.Use Whatman filter paper no-41 for the making strips of H2S Water testing kit.
2.Cut the paper in size of 8*2.5 cm for making 50 strips.
3.After that use Laminar Air flow for sterilizing the strips from both sides for 15 min each size.
4.Dip all strips in given media and fold the strip with the help of forcep in sterile petri plate.
5.Use Hot Air oven to dry strips at 50 degree Celsius for 40 min.After that use Laminar Air flow for sterilizing the strips for 10 min .
6.After this , keep it in a dry sterilized container i. e plastic bottle.
7.add the sample Incubate at room temperature for 48 hrs.
Observation :
The blackening of samples denotes the presence of microbial contamination.Distilled water shows test negative As per observation each sample takes different time gap.
Conclusion :
It shows similar results as standard kit.