After Pranay’s resign his responsivities along with his project about soybean hand overed to me by Mr. Arun dixit sir and Mr. Ranjit Shanbhag Sir. Pranay took several trials on Protein rich soybean. Soybean contains larger amount of protein along with some anti nutritional factors like trypsin inhibitor, so can’t eat it directly without processing. Processing like roasting, soaking, sprouting, frying results in decreasing antinutritional factors. I studied his blog and started working on his project.

Pranay’s blog link mentioned below:

I studied Pranay’s blog and took first trial as same as Pranay took at the last.

Roasted Soyabean


(100 gm)


(in 200 gm water for 12hrs)

Draining of water

(drained water 77 gm)

Drying on cotton cloth using fan 1 and half hr.

(wt. of soybean- 239 gm, and wt. after drying – 185 gm)

Roasted in salt

(for 20-30 min, Colour changed to brownish white, soybean get crispy)

Roasted soybean

Fig. Roasted soybean

Observation Table:

Weight of Soybean104 gm
Weight of water220gm
Weight of Soybean after Soaking 239 gm
Weight of Soybean after 1 and half hr of drying using fan185 gm
Weight after roasting97 gm
Fig. Observation table

Sensory Analysis:

by 9 point hedonic scale.

ColourAromaTextureTasteMouthfeelOverall acceptability
Fig., Sensory analysis of roasted soybean.

In this trial, I was prepared 3 different samples and record the readings of drying time, weight of soybean after drying, moisture loss during, Roasting temperature, Roasting time and final weight of product.

In this 3 sample wise A, B,C ; I was vary the Time of drying and try to retain moisture as pre-discussed above.

SampleWeight of SoybeanWeight of waterSoaking TimeDrained WaterWeight of Soaked Soybean
A50 gm100 gm12 hr30 gm116 gm
B50 gm100 gm12 hr31 gm117 gm
C50 gm100 gm12 hr29 gm115 gm
Fig., Soaking of Soybean.

Drying of soaked soybean ( indoor on cotton cloth with fan)

SampleInitial weightDrying TimeWeight after dryingMoisture loss during dryingRoasting TempTimeFinal weight
A116 gm1 and half hr85 gm26%100-120 0C16 min45 gm
B117 gm2 hr77 gm34%100-120 0C19 min44 gm
C115 gm2 and half hr74 gm35.65%100-120 0C17 min45 gm
Fig., Drying of soaked Soybean

Fig., Sample A, B ,C

Sensory Analysis:

SampleColourAromaTextureTasteMouthfeelOverall Acceptability
Fig., Sensory analysis.


I listed out the some factors regarding Roasted Soybean which can be considered during Standardization:

  1. Soaking:
    • Water proportion
    • Soaking time and temperature
    • Sprouting ( weight gain or loss)
  2. Drying:
    • % Moisture loss
    • Time
    • Temperature
  3. Roasting:
    • Time
    • Temperature of salt
    • % moisture removed
    • Method of agitation

As discussed with Dixit Sir, I’m starting working on Standardization process. And starting taking trials on first factor that is soaking. We decided to soak soybean in normal water, water with 300C temperature and water with 400C to understand the time taken for water absorption. I’ll try to find the stage at which absorptivity graph get steady where absorption will stop.

Standardization of soaking using following methods:

  1. Using Normal water
  2. Using Water with 400C temperature
  3. Using Water with 500C temperature.

For this trial I was used 18 bowls, 6 bowl for each method and 15 gm soybean in each bowl.

  1. Normal water:
    • I took 6 bowls for this and 15 gm soybean in each bowl.
    • Flooded with normal water (Room Temperature)
    • Recorded the temperature of water (31.8 0C)
    • After the half hour of time interval checked the weight gain by draining the water from soybean using strainer.

Fig., Soaking using normal water

2. Using Water having 400C temperature:

  • I took 6 bowls for this and 15 gram soybean in each.
  • Flooded with water having 400C temperature.
  • To control constant 400C temperature of water in bowl, I kept them into kitchens dahi incubator which was set to 400C temperature
  • After the half hour of time interval checked the weight gain by draining the water from soybean using strainer.

Fig., Soaking using water having 400C temp

3.Using water having 500C temperature:

  • I took 6 bowls for this same as above two methods and 15 gram soybean in each.
  • Flooded with water having 500C temperature.
  • For constant temperature I kept them in thermocol box, control temperature using hot water and digital thermometer.
  • After the half hour of time interval checked the weight gain by draining the water from soybean using strainer.

Fig., Soaking using water having 50 0C temp in thermocol box

Fig., Different stages of soaking with different methods

Observation table:

Time IntervalIn Normal water (31.8 0C)In water having 40 0c tempIn water having 50 0C temp
Initial15 gm15 gm15 gm
Half Hour21 gm22 gm23 gm
1 hour23 gm25 gm26 gm
1 and half hour26 gm29 gm29 gm
2 hour27 gm31 gm31 gm
2 and half hour29 gm31 gm33 gm
3 hour30 gm32 gm34 gm
fig., Soaking using different methods.

I draw graph using above information, to understand the steady stage of absorptivity.

Fig., Graph of Soaking of soybean

I discussed with Dixit sir about graph and we understand that approximate 30 gm is our steady state, after that weight of soybean gain very slowly that is absorption of water by soybean seed was stopped or getting slower. And decided to take trials with 1.5 hours soaking at 40 0C

Simultaneously I’m worked on sprouting of Soybean, collected soybean from 18 bowls on strainer. That soaking process done at 2 P.M. but due to some obstacles I kept those soybean for sprouting at 6 P.M. In between these 4 hours, moisture get retained from soaked soybean. As discussed with Dixit sir I took one larger bowl with water, kept strainer having soaked soybean on bowl and cover with cotton cloth.

Fig., Sprouting of soaked soybean before and after 14 hrs

On next day at 9.30 a.m. I checked it but did not see any changes about sprouting. As mentioned above, moisture which is required for sprouting was already retained from soaked soybean.

I show results with sir and decided to repeat the trial again .

At 1 pm I took 20 gm soybean in bowl flooded with water having 40 0C temperature and kept in Dahi incubator for 1.5 hr. After 1.5 hr weight of soybean gained to 39 gm. Then at 3 pm I kept it in wet cloth for sprouting.

After 4 hours at 8 pm, I was checked it. There was little germ were swelled and trying to coming out from seed coat.

fig., Sprouting after 4 hours

On 1 April I observed it ,soybean did not sprouted and it get more sticky. but some soybean get little sprouted.

Weight of Soybean20 gm
Soaking time1.5 hr
Soaking Temperature40 0 C
Weight of soaked soybean39 gm

For sprouting I used thermocol box , to avoid moisture retention and maintain humidity.

A pot filled with water was placed in a thermocol box, soaked soybeans were placed on it, covered with a wet cloth. And the lid of the thermocol box was left slightly open.

After 12 hours, the germ swells but doesn’t emerge from the seed coat. When the seed coat of soaked soybeans is removed by hand, a sprout measuring approximately 4-5 mm emerges.

Siddhant informed me that using a thermocol box for sprouting was wrong because it causes problems with respiration during the sprouting process.

Siddhant and I decided to conduct a trial together. He followed the traditional method, while I experimented with our approach.

SiddhantAnjani ( me)
# Traditional sprouting method.
# Took 50 gm soybean, soaked in normal water for 7-8 hrs.
# Kept for sprouting on sieve with wet cloth, and wet the cloth after 3-4hrs interval.
# For sprouting generally 36-48 hrs requires.
# but 100% soybeans were not germinate and get sticky
# Experienced with our approach of sprouting.
#Took 50 gm of soybean, soaked in 40 0 C warm water for 1.5 hr.
# Kept for sprouting as same as Siddhant.
# For sprouting generally requires 36-48 hrs.
# but 100% soybean were not germinate and get sticky.

I showed the results to Mr. Dixit Sir. While discussing with them, they mentioned some factors that they understood from Jape Madam who is microbiologist.

  1. Removal of hull is essential to reduce antinutrients.
  2. Drenching for minimum 10 minutes followed by rigorous washing.
  3. Germination to 0.5-1.0 cm germ size. ( Sprout is important).
  4. It is necessary to monitor reduction in trypsin inhibitor and then check protein digestibility.
  5. To reduce Trypsin Inhibitor-
    • Washing and drenching for 15 min.
    • At about 25 o C soaking to max 96 hrs.
    • Germination to size 0.5-1 cm sprout.
    • Roasting at 150-200 o C for 10 Sec.
  6. Additionally, treatment with IR 1000W reduces Trypsin Inhibitor to 95%, we can check that.
  7. PDCAAS Analysis for scoring protein digestibility is an approved method.

Sir ask me to soak soybean for 24hrs, and then keep for germination. We observe it that , soybean took time to germinate due to its seed-coat. So, I decide to remove the seedcoat for easy germination.

#10 April 2024: At 6 P. M.

Weight of Soybean- 100 gm

Soaking time- 24 hrs

Water changed after 12 hrs

#11 April 2024: At 6 P. M.

After 24 hrs

Weight of Soaked Soybean- 234 gm

This soaked soybean divided into 2 –

  1. 117 gm for with seedcoat
  2. 117 gm for without seed-coat
with seed-coatWithout Seed-out
# Kept for sprouting in sprouting chamber in wet cloth at 6:30 PM# Remove seed-coat using hand.
# Weight of de seed-coated Soybean- 92 hrs.
# Germ get breakdown (40-50%)
Kept for sprouting in sprouting chamber in wet cloth at 6:30 PM.

#12th April 2024:

With Seed-coatWithout Seed-coat
At 10 AM ( after 15 hrs)
# Germ get swell but not germinate
# It get sticky
At 6 PM ( After 23 hrs)
# More sticky.
# Germinated up-to 0.2-0.3 cm sprout

#Germinate up-to 0.3-0.4 cm sprout
# Get sticky

#More sticky
# Germinate up-to 0.5-0.6 cm sprout

#13th April 2024: At 9.30 PM

With seed-coatWithout Seed-coat
# more sticky and start to degrade# more sticky and start to degraded
# germinate up-to 0.6- 1cm sprout


  1. Due to 24 hrs of soaking, soybean starts degrade during soaking.
  2. De seed-coated soybean can easily germinate and took less time to germinate than with seed-coated soybean.
  3. But when we remove the seed-coat of soybean by hands, some germs were broken down and the seed without germ can’t be able to germinate.

I discussed with Mr. Dixit sir about results, he suggest me that to purchase the air bubbler which aerate the water during soaking. Reduce the time soaking time to 12hrs.

Kept 50 gm of soybean for soaking in normal water for 12 hrs.

Kept for sprouting in wet cloth.

I didn’t pay attention to sprouting process due to the annual meeting and soybean kept for sprouting were got spoiled.

As discussed with Mr. Dixit Sir, I purchased Air bubbler from A. J. Pets Pabal in 280 Rs.

On 19th April at 9 PM –

I kept 100 gm of Soybean for soaking for 12 hrs.

On 20th April at 9 AM-

Soaked soybean were kept for Sprouting in wet cloth.

Weight of soaked soybean – 239 gm


  1. Not all soybeans have sprouted; the seeds are older and many soybeans may still be in their dormant stage.

I discussed with Mr. Dixit Sir about these all, he suggest me to change the soybean seeds I used for the Trials. He also suggest me to purchase soybean seeds from the farmers who cultivate the soybean, and who never adulterate older soybean which can,t be germinate.

On 28 April I purchased 2.5 kg soybean seed from local farmer Raja Bhau for further study and trials.

I took trial on new soybean seeds.

at 9 pm , 50 gm of soybean kept for soaking in normal water for 12 hrs.

On 4 May at 9 am, I kept soaked soybean for sprouting in wet cloth.

Weight of soaked soybean- 115 gm, in that 5 gm was in-matured dead soybean seeds. I was separate those dead seeds before keeping it for germination/ sprouting.


In this trial I observed that , not all seeds got germinated.

After that, I discussed with Mr. Dixit Sir and decided to take trials with other germination methods, wise:

  1. Traditional method
  2. Germination using sproting
  3. In oven
  4. Using wet gunny bags.

On 7th May, at 9 am , I took 200 gm Soybean for soaking in normal water for 12 hr.

at 9 pm:

Weight of soaked Soybean – 419 gm

Weight of Dead ( hard) Soybean – 419 gm

419 gm Soybean divided into 4 parts and used for different germination methods, as mentioned above:

As shown in above figure, I kept 4 samples for germination n 4 different methods ; Traditional method, Using Sprouter, Using oven and Using gunny bags, respectively.

Oven method was spotted on internet and I used it for sprouting. In that oven preheated for 180 °C for 2 min, then kept the sample in it.

On traditional method and gunny bags methods, I sparkled water to wet it and maintain moisture and humidity.


  1. Not all seeds were germinated.
  2. Oven method was not suitable for germination, in that germination was not carried out. In oven all moisture retained from soaked seeds.
  3. Usually gunny bag test was used to determine the germination of soybean seeds, but in our trial only 40- 45 % seeds were germinated.

I discussed with Mr. Dixit sir about results, he ask me to germinate soaked seeds using fogger system, in saw dust and traditional method with UV light exposure. We discussed that, all things that we are workings on which are for trypsin inhibitor inactivation .

Mrs. Jape mam mention some points on trypsin inhibitor inactivation , in that she told soaking of soybean for 96 hrs reduce trypsin inhibitor.

So, we decided to find out the research paper on trypsin inhibition inactivation methods.

We did germination of soybean for trypsin inhibitor inactivation. We need to understand whether the process we are carrying out for trypsin inhibition inactivation is effective and how much trypsin inhibitor inactivation is occurring using that method.

On 7 may , at 9 pm :

2 samples of 50- 50 gm , were kept for soaking for 96 hrs, one with bubbler aeration and another without bubbler.

After 12 hrs of interval, I changed the water ( medium of soaking).

  1. With bubbler:

2. Without bubbler:


  1. This method is not suitable for trypsin inhibitor inactivation because during soaking it produce off flavour, also soaked soybean has off flavour.
  2. Sample having bubbler, the soaked seeds were broken down because of pressure of air (air bubbler).
  3. Seeds started to decompose

I studied some research papers, from that I understood that soaking for 96 hr reduces 46 % trypsin inhibitor and loss up-to 22% of water-soluble protein. So, this method was not effective method for trypsin inhibitor inactivation.

Problems that I faced during above trials (germination) was low humidity, growth of fungus or stickiness during germination, Moisture retention from seeds, wet cloth and lack of aeration during sprouting. We decided to try another method for germination. I did 3 setups for Germination of soybean, for that I used –

1. Fogger system to maintain moisture and humidity,

2. Setup having UV lamp to retard growth of microbes,

3. Use of wet Sawdust for maintain moisture and aeration for germination.

#10 may: at 9 pm

50 gm of soybean kept for soaking

# 11 may : at 9 am

Weight of soaked soybean – 108 gm

Weight of dead ( hard) Seeds – 5 gm

108 gm soaked soybean divided into 2 set as follows:

  1. Fogger system :
    • 50 gm soaked soybean kept on strainer and cover with thin wet cloth, and this set kept in fogger system.
    • where humidity is maintained at 70-80 % and foggers are started after some time interval.
    • Observation: All seeds were not germinated and fungus was occurs.

2. Setup having UV lamp to retard growth of microbes:

  • I demonstrate the setup using vessel, UV Tube and strainer for trial.
  • 50 gm of sample was kept in strainer and that set placed in vessel and cover with lead having UV tube
  • I gave 1 min exposure of UV after 1 hr of intervals.
  • Observation: All seeds were not germinated and become sticky .The upper side of strainer which was exposed to UV where fungus absent but opposite side which was not exposed to UV where Fungus present.

3. Use of wet Sawdust for maintain moisture and aeration for germination:

  • On 11 may at 9 pm-
  • 30 gm soybean was kept for soaking for 12 hrs.
  • After 12 hrs weight of soaked soybean was 66 gm.
  • Firstly, I kept the sawdust and wet it and placed in vessel having holes, to drain excess water from sawdust.
  • Then I saw the soaked seeds in wet sawdust and sprinkle the water on sawdust after 4-5 hrs of interval.
  • observation: All seeds were not germinated and seed become brownish in colour.

We decided to change the soybean seeds and purchase from seed shop ( krushi seva kendra). From seed shop we will get high qaulity seeds. From that we will collect the data of sprouting or fermentation of older seeds and high-quality soybean seeds.

I visited the agricultural service center (krushi seva kendra) in Pabal to look for soybean seeds, but I couldn’t find any. Since the rain hasn’t started yet, the seeds haven’t arrived at the shop.

On 22 May 2024, Mr. Bhushan Rothe sir purchased the half kg soybean seeds of Dipstambh KDS-726 variety from Narayangaon to rupees 27.

At 9 pm 300 gm of soybean kept for soaking with bubbler

on 23 may 2024 at 9 am –

Weight of soaked soybean – 467 gm

this soaked soybean divided into 6 groups ( 77 gm for each)

  1. Traditional method
  2. Gunny bags
  3. UV system
  4. Sawdust
  5. Sprouter
  6. fogger system

Observation : Not a single soybean sprouted.

On 29th May 2024, Mr. Bhanudas Daundkar sir brought 2 kg of soybeans from his home and gave them to me.

At 9 pm 200 gm of soybean kept for 12 hrs with bubbler.

On 30 may at 9 am: soaked soybean divided into 6 groups as mentioned above and kept for sprouting.

Observations: not all soybean seeds get sprouted. The seeds which were not sprouted were covered with fungi and it get sticky.

#4 June At 9 PM,

100 gm of soybean kept for soaking in normal water for 12 hrs.

#5 June at 9 AM,

Weight of soaked soybean – 217 gm

Kept for sprouting in cotton cloth

#6th June

About 90-95% soybean get sprouted.

#7th June

Sprouted soybeans were dried in shadow for 1.5-2 hrs and followed by roasting in salt.

Weight of roasted soybean – 87 gm.


During roasting dhal, seed coat and sprout get separated from each other, and not looks good

When you taste it, after swelling you recognize tinch of soybean from its seedcoat and sprout. But when you eat only dhal from it, its overall acceptability was better than whole.

To reduce the Tinch of soybean flavour from roasted soybean, Mr. Ranjeet Shanbhag sir suggest me to season the roasted Soy nuts. It may be value addition to roasted soybean

I decided to season the roasted soybean with red chilli powder, chat masala and black salt.

ParameterSample 1
Whole (with dhal, sprout & seedcoat)
Sample 2
Only dhal
Weight of roasted soybean35 gm35 gm
Weight of Red chilli powder1.5 gm1gm
Weight of chat masala1.5 gm1gm
Weight of black salt1 gmpinch
Seasoning of roasted soybean


I took sensory analysis of both samples and collected the suggestions and opinion from staff members

  1. Sample 2 was best in taste, colour and overall acceptability than sample 1.
  2. I did season to soybean to reduce the tinch of soybean flavour from it, but it does not work. the tinch of soybean has remained.