Exibhition at vigyan Ashram
Grey Water System :
The use of grey-water recycling systems in new commercial buildings offers a method of saving water and reducing total sewage volumes. By definition greywater is generally waste water from showers, baths, basins, and washing machines. Greywater treatment is easier than municipal wastewater treatment, generating a large interest in its reuse and recycling.
The main advantage of keeping greywater separate from toilet wastewater is that the pathogen load is greatly reduced, and the greywater is therefore easier to treat and reuse.
Greywater from kitchen sinks contains fats, oils and grease, and high loads of organic matter. It should undergo preliminary treatment to remove these substances before discharge into a greywater tank.
For most households greywater containsĀ soap, shampoo, toothpaste, shaving cream, laundry detergents, hair, lint, body oils, dirt, grease, fats, chemicals (from soaps, shampoos, cosmetics) and urine. The most significant pollutant of greywater is laundry detergent, particularly those high in sodium and phosphorus.

Process of Grey Water Recycling system in vigyan Ashram
- We Collected all the kitchen, basin and dishwashing water into a settler tank and by collecting all the water because all the dust particles settle to the bottom and clear water remain on top.
- Then that clear water we send at small tank and then it is given to canna lily plant then canna lily absorb all the dissolved minerals, salts, detergent, chemicals from soap (particularly those high sodium and phosphorus) in the dirty water and we treated that water releases the clean water into a next tank .
- We added an oxygen bubbler to that tank for mixing oxygen and to prevent smelling. And that clean water we can further use for agriculture in vigyan ashram.
- We save weekly 2000 lit of water in the vigyan ashram. Now we are operating the grey water system in solar power. By using this system we save water in vigyan ashram.

Grey water recycling system