29/07/2022 to 30/07/2022
Vigyan Ashram Exhibition
An exhibition was held in “Vigyan Ashram”. children’s from different schools of Pabal village came to see this exhibition. there were different projects for children to see.
Also there were food stalls in exhibition . the children in food lab making new products and put them up for sale.

In this exhibition , everyone was assigned different project to share information school children’s and their teachers . me and girl with me , we explained to the children’s and their teacher about soil lab and soil testing kit. also explained how to test the soil, and give how to take a soil sample.

why soil testing be done ?
soil testing is essential as soil contain biological and chemical components . Also due to testing soil, it is possible to know exactly which crop to grow in the field. and increases the production of crop. and how much fertilizer to give the crop can be determined. also explained how to take soil sample. soil testing is done using soil testing kit.

we also told them that if you bring your soil sample for testing , we will test if for you.

The remaining of chief guests , villagers and remaining school student came to see this exhibition. we told them here
- we do soil and water testing with the help of soil testing kit and water testing kit.
- Also we told them here we do tissue culture trial in turmeric.
- Microbiology lab here we prepared culture for compost.