Preparation of Spinach Plot:-
- Under guidance of Er.Sonal Ma’am, plot of 0.731 Guntha was given us to cultivate Spinach
- We prepared plot by leveling the soil for uniform bed formation.
- In same plot we prepared 4 beds by proper measurement.
Plot A = 0.1541 Guntha
. Plot B = 0.1622 Guntha
. Plot C = 0.1689 Guntha
. Plot D = 0.1738 Guntha
. Gap between 2 vertical beds=0.068Guntha
4. We applied fertilizer in plot A and plot D,
while plot B and plot C was without fertilizer.
5. Sonal Ma’am gave 200 gms of Spinach seeds
for sowing.
6. We used 150 gms of seeds for sowing in
whole plot.

Bed preparation:-

We prepared 2 presentations: 1) Vermicompost
. 2) Agricultural tools