The first hexagonal mixer was used to mix the waste properly. Later, without it, the work became easier, so the use of mixers stopped. So what’s next Such a question arose. It was then decided to mix the pre-prepared premature compost in BARC culture and fill it in the mixer to see if it was a complete compost manure.
Miss. Jyoti More is taking trials on the hexagonal mixer in that mixer there is no ventilation so that’s why all the garbage or compost goes in anaerobic conditions.
Here is her blog:-
Optimization for curing of society garbage
1.Modification of hexagonal mixer / composter for better ventilation inside.
25 May
Some solutions are coming out of the brainstorming session on the hexagonal mixer.
In that session, it is decided to remove the side panels or make new side panels of the hexagonal mixer, or cut some of the portion of the hexagonal mixer.
Actual Work
26 May
We separate the mixer from the mounted frame, then remove part of the side mounted shaft and we try to remove the rivets and then try to remove the side panels.
Then I draw a hand sketch of the hexagonal mixer.

After that I started the actual 3D drawing with the help of Google Sketch Up Pro.

27 May
First we make a design and then mark the portion we want to cut, then we start cutting 80% of the MS sheet that we put on the side.

Then we cut the net and gave it a hexagonal shape and then we fit the net inside the hexagonal mixer with the help of metal plate and screws.
Once again we used the same method for another side netted area.

28 May
Mahesh, Jyoti and I install a hexagonal mixer and it was work great then we decide to fill it with compost.
And then we weigh the compost and fill the hexagonal mixer with compost.

When we took the mixer for modification, we faced a lot of problems but we found a way out.
We designed it with perfect measurements and then with its approval we cut the side panels.
After cutting the side panels, the mesh went through the inside of the mixer and re-packed it. When the setup is complete, we install it back in its place.