Date- 11 jan 2022
Introduction :
Objective : Checking pH, N , P , K , OC , EC of the soil .
Requirements : soil testing kit including all things , soil.

In manual separate procedure is given for determining pH, OC, EC,N, , P, K,.We followed that procedure and concluded a result.From that result farmer get the actual idea about nutrient content in his soil.

Checking Ec –
- Take 10 ml water in a beaker .
- Put 1 gm soil in water.
- Mix it well, Let the soil settle down .
- By using EC metre check EC OF that soil.
Conclusion :
Finally by this process we know the ph , potassium(k), Nitrogen(N) , Phosphorous(P) ,Organic Carbon (OC ), Electric Conductivity (EC) present in the soil. I have tested 52 soil samples from 11 jan 2022 to 20 jan 2022 by using Prerana kit.