Date: 03/02/2022


Calculate the humidity from dry bulb temp. and wet bulb temp.Trails were taken on how to maintain humidity in a dome dryer.


Firstly,we created the fan pad system setup.Put water in tray and for continuous flow of water we use submersible pump and taking reading of WBT and DBT every 15 min.

After somedays we fixed fan to honeycomb structure and measure the WBT and DBT with fan and without fan.


  1. Fan Pad
  2. Tray
  3. Fan
  4. Thermometer
  5. cotton Sleeve
  6. Water
  7. Submersible Pump
  8. Cardboard
  9. Extension Board


The water temperature was lower than wet bulb temperature because the height of the cotton sleeve was higher and the fan wind was higher.

For this we added a new CPU exhaust fan to the system and also reduced the height of the cotton sleeve. Further reading will be taken from Snehal as she has been given the task of collection of data and see this data on her blog.

For More Information :

Data collection of humidity and temperature for dome dryer