I have studied solar thermal application like prince 40 concentrator .prince 40 concentrator is use of solar energy to cook food. Solar thermal means solar radiation converted into heat. very promising small capacity water chillers using sorption technology have opened a new market for use of solar thermal energy as a driving heat source for summer air conditioning. In this system a radiant heat barrier such as Aluminium foil, installed under a roof is able to block upto 95% of radiant heat transfer through the roof. In this system solar radiation collected in one point .this system is free of cost.

In this system we are wash the system. It is 4 square meter area which is made of anodize aluminium sheet which collect 700 to 750watt per square meter intensity of solar light.
- Apparatus: rice, water, salt, cooker, Iron gun, sun meter. Prince 40 system.
- Given: Rice weight-250gm, water weight-500gm, temperature of water-27 degree Celcius.
- Time of made rice- 1 hour.
Solar radiation:1005 watt/ meter square.
- temperature– 51.4
- other plate -37.8
- Calculation: firstly I measured the calculated the area of prince 40 system .
- No. of alunimium plate- 58
one plate area– 12.6mm width, 79mm length.
- No. of all aluminium sheet- 57733.2 cm square
- all plate area : width into length 79 into 58= 4.99mm