Solar Dome Dryer

Title :- Solar Dome Dryer

Apparatus :- Solar dome dryer, Exhaust Fan, Humidity Meter, Coriander.

Project Information :- Dome dryer radius 60 cm hence diameter is 120 cm. the dome dryer area is 3.39 meter square. Dome dryer are available in black coating. because, black color is absorb the very large amount of heat. we have give 800 g weight of coriander. the exhaust fan power is 38 watt and 220-240 voltage, 0.22 A current.

Process :-

  1. First we have segregated in coriander.
  2. Second, we have seating the exhaust fan into the dome.
  3. Then we taken coriander to the dome dryer for drying.
  4. After that, we have measuring reading in the dome till the dry coriander.

calculation :-


to seat exhaust fan
dry coriander

Result :- after coriander weight is 800 g and before 406 g.