To calculate bulk density of leaves straw, bajara husk, sawdust.

Material: leaves straw, bajara husk, sawdust, known volume beaker (250 ml), weighning balance.


  • Take a known volume beakers and add all three samples in three different beakers.
  • Tapped the samples thrice with rod then compaction is done through this.
  • Then remove the sample from beaker and weigh it.


Bulk Density (g/cc) = weight of sample / Total volume


1.Bajara Husk:

Bulk Density (g/cc) = weight of sample / Total volume

= 41/250

=0.16 g/cc

2. Leaves Straw:

Bulk Density (g/cc) = weight of sample / Total volume

= 65/250

=0.26 g/cc

3. Sawdust:

Bulk Density (g/cc) = weight of sample / Total volume

= 78/250

=0.31 g/cc

Result: The bajara has low bulk density so it has more void spaces and high water holding capacity.