Concept Azolla growth

        To grow azolla traditionally, we require large space and also the time require for growth of azolla was very high. Whereas the newest method allows azolla to grow in short period by maintaining proper climatic conditions. The concept of azolla growth help us to develop the system to increase growth rate of Azolla in dome structure in controlled atmosphere.

Procedure followed:

  1. Study.
  2. Structure finalization.
  3. Design Calculations.
  4. Seeding, Planting and Irrigation.
  5. Testing’s and final result.
  1. Study:
    1. Studied the research papers requirements growth of Azolla. In this papers, I learned about key points related to how to grow Azolla and its required climatic conditions.
    1. Experimentally verified and observed actual growth of Azolla plant.
    1. Studied about the soil testing and actually done the various test in soil testing, like NPK, Organic Carbon (OC), and Electric Conductivity (EC) test.
    1. Studied about the control the humidity and temperature by using evaporation method.