Good opportunity for me giving a one workshop at Kothrude (Pune). Then start searching information about vertical terrace garden and discuss new ideas with guide Mr. Sachin Punekar and then decided what work done in workshop. Collect information about vertical terrace garden before making a presentation. I was decided which models making possible for vertical terrace garden. I was started models preparation and made up of one models for my terrace and I was made three models. After completion of my task presentation was prepared by me. After that I went to pune and take a workshop of school students.
First of all I take one activity of students i.e. physical exercise. Then I was showed presentation information of vertical terrace garden on screen and then I was showed images of best gardens in the world and images of gardens using scrab materials and I was explained difference between two images of natural and Artificial garden. I asked to the students what your ideas? and write your ideas in notebook.
Then divided in three groups and each group was made one model. After that plant was planted in this three models and taking photographs. My experience is a very nice. Good opportunity for me giving a workshop of the school students.