We created a drying apparatus to create a Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) for fruits and vegetables. To see drying apparatus working properly or not Dixit sir and I have decided to take trials on it at various temperatures and substrate was water.
The reason for choosing water as a substrate was the intermolecular bond spits at easily when it gets heated.
It takes at least as much energy to split water into O2 and H2 as is released when these gases combine to form water.
This is about 260 kJ per mole of water or just shy of 5 eV per molecule of water (4 electrons times 1.23 V). Splitting one liter of water would take at least 16 MJ (4.4 kWh), which is more energy than it would take to launch a liter of water into deep space!
And it easily evaporates and I will get the linear drying graph.
What is the drying apparatus?
Drying Apparatus is device used to interpret drying pattern for a substrate. The Drying apparatus interprets following things,
- Humidity of inlet air
- Temperature of inlet air
- Airflow
- Humidity of outlet air
- Temperature of outlet air
- Real time weight loss in substrate
Block Diagram of Drying Apparatus:

I took 5 water trials on drying apparatus at various temperatures from 5th to 10th DEC’18.
- In the first trial, I took 20 ml of water to see drying apparatus working, I have set the DA to temperature 30-degree Celcius and the outside temperature was 28-degrees Celcius. It took 5 and a half hour to evaporate all the water.
- In the second trial, I took 20 ml of water to see drying apparatus working, I have set the DA to temperature 35-degree Celcius and the outside temperature was 28-degrees Celcius. It also took 5 and a half hour to evaporate all the water.
- In the third trial, I took 10 ml of water to see drying apparatus working, I have set the DA to temperature 40-degree Celcius and the outside temperature was 25-degrees Celcius. It took 2 and a half hour to evaporate all the water.
- In the fourth trial, I took 10 ml of water to see drying apparatus working, I have set the DA to temperature 45-degree Celcius and the outside temperature was 23-degrees Celcius. It took 2 and a half hour to evaporate all the water.
- In the fifth trial, I took 20 ml of water to see drying apparatus working, I have set the DA to temperature 50-degree Celcius and the outside temperature was 29-degrees Celcius. It took 2 and half hour to dry.
From trial data, I understand drying apparatus not working properly the main problem was the heater was not heating properly. I have to change the program instructions because it doesn’t understand set temperature value.
Next Plan:
Note down all problem related to hardware and software of drying apparatus and do related changes. And do changes accordingly.